uhhh not "seeing" girl anymore. why you ask? probably cause im an idiot. but really its just because i wasnt really into her. is it weird just not wanting to date someone? i try to explain this and it comes out all fucking weird sounding. like just not being into a girl isnt a good enough reason. i probably sounded like a total douche. fuck...
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i'm down with the farm program.
count me in mister.
cept i'm not much for art...but i can contribute a cute puppy dog that likes to run amuck.
i just realized i dont know how to reply...
and i think we have a deal. not only because i like cute dogs, but also because you said "eh".

ps you're my favorite
Clarence Worley: You just said you love me, now if I say I love you and just throw caution to the wind and let the chips fall where they may and you're lying to me I'm gonna fuckin' die.

im at my parents house right now, because my effing internet isnt working at my house. OR my tv. not that i really watch a lot...
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I saw you in the painters group and loved your stuff, wanna be friends?
when shes drinking wine, her hugs are twice as long. or maybe they just feel better.

i have a date tomorrow. interesting? or completely scary...? bit of both maybe. i feel so damn grown up. blind date. i cant get over that. i dont even know what were doing yet. is that bad? is it also bad that i have a crush on someone else?...
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5 think the fact that you're tired is the answer to all your questions! Get some sleep!