Lots has been going on. Work has continued sucking, blah blah blah. Went and saw the band Black Rebel Motorcycle club, that was a really good show. If they are ever around where you are go and see them. Now the Simpsons is on I gotta go!
Today I decided I hate everything. Job, car, traffic, food everything. It all feels like a giant anchor. Maybe i didnt take my medication today... I cant remember. I wish there was a subway here that I could ride around on. I just need to stare at a wall for a few hours. With quiet nothingness.

Ever since we went and saw brokeback mountain, i've...
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who wants to live forever?
I suppose it was just a matter of time. My love affair with you had to end. Ebay community my faith - lost! Now all I can do is listen to Indigo Girls and cry in my coffee. I sent a message with the new SG message thing. bok bok

I just found this chicken smily. I thought last night about what might have happened if I...
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Going to Adult convention in Vegas tomorrow. Does anyone need anything? I've got eggs and milk on my list. ooo aaa
So we went and saw the Harlem Globe Trotters. They totally ROCKED!!!! puke Or not. Harlem Globe Trotters rate just above monster trucks. Ratings based on:
Lowest: monster trucks. They're loud and stinky and tickets cost too much.
Middle: Arctic Cross. Snowmobiles making sweet jumps. No smell, no noise. $5 admission.
Upper Middle: Baseball. Interesting people watching and cheap.
Top: Roller Derby. Self explanatory, I think....
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dude. i love monster trucks.
Please god, why does this exist Truck Balls

Cheap date night is fun and economical
oh my god, i love the truck balls! if i had a vehicle, i would be very tempted to adorn them with rock hard red balls.
congratulations on your updated journal!

oh, and baby pictures have been on the internet for some time now. baby blog
I recently discovered a shitload of Rolling Stones songs that are really good. They sound so funny and are old enough to have a blend of 60s rock and old school 50s guitar riffs. When I hear them I think of a young Mic Jagger with funny lips slinking around a dirty stage. It makes me laugh. Try it.

We went to a co-workers holiday...
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the rolling stones song 'angie' makes me weep. it's a good one.

and i don't think i'll be leaving leaving anytime soon. i wanted to get the hell outta dodge a year ago, but now i think i've settled into the idea of making minneapolis my home. i can always travel, for months at a time, even, if i so choose.

it's good to see you journal updating and commenting these days, lad. hurrah.
I'm going to try and actually add some pictures today. I know it seems like I'm only doing this to shake Judas' dimensional foundations but I'm here to tell you that's not totally it. ARRR!!!