Again, going out to the whim of a woman. Sucker vs. good guy: what do woman really think of guys that are their friends; truly as I am really her friend, but no matter what's going on if she calls and says jump I will. I guess that's more a reflection on my personal life than anything, huh?
I am such a sucker for girls (or should I say women). I will bend for their every whim and yet it gains me nothing. And by nothing I am not saying just sex. I mean trust, love, respect, compassion, etc... and yes in some cases sex. Sorry for ranting. I just needed to get that off my chest before I go out to bend...
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Well, I can be a sucker for a pretty dame myself.. It's all about that chase unfortunately. We've all been victims of it. I was once a habitual offender, however I've now managed to keep everyone at a safe distance. tongue Hang in there, one day that won't be the case. wink
I know it is great to see beautiful, naked women on this site, but I can't help the fact that what I really find the most beautiful are faces, especially eyes and lips. I do appreciate the tattoos and piercings quite a bit too, but it really is the faces that I admire most.
Well our pool team got spanked and spanked hard by our sister team at Lucky 13 last night. Ouch! So our season is done, but it still was really fun. I will play again next season. Then I met a really sweet, cute woman; beautiful eyes and lips. We even left together and she drove me home, but just as I ask to go out...
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Only I could turn down a hot lesbian for sex. What the hell is wrong with me?!?!
I doubt there is anything wrong with you. You must have had a good reason. Though that is a good opportunity.
I am heading out to Lucky 13 for a Friday night; nothing unusual in that. Chances of getting laid? 0% Chances of stumbling home drunk after closing out the bar? 100% Priceless!
I saw Posh at Lucky 13 last night again. She really is quite beautiful. I still cant say hi as I feel it would be weird and creepy. On the plus side... our pool team won again in week 2 of playoffs. Next week we play at home against out sister/brother team at Lucky 13. Fun shall be had! Oh, and a brief thank you...
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So my DC trip was a bust. I didn't have a chance to meet up with some old friends that I haven't seen in over 4+ years. I had a great hotel room and no one to share or enjoy it with. And now I go home to work more tomorrow. Plus I developed a crush on an amazing woman who lives across the country...
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So here I am in Washington, DC... for work... in a swanky hotel... bored... Oh well, it is only for 2.5 days.
Get the internet and go buy a copy of wow. that is my advice to all boredom.tongue
I certainly cant say life is great, but it is finally great to not be ashamed of the country I live in or rather the administration that will run the country I live in. I always feared during the Democratic primaries that the US would be too afraid to vote in a woman or a black man as president. I am happy to be proven...
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I am spending more time at Lucky 13 than I have been at home recently. I think I need a break. Or maybe I'll see you there tonight!