Why the hell has everyone decided to stop smoking weed? I think I'm moving to san francisco. That's where my best friend lives anyways.
Today, I was told to bring a painting to class that I painted a year and a half ago. My teacher then critiqued it rather harshly (more harshly than he did a year a half ago) and then painted on it like a colouring book. I was gonna keep that shit! He didn't even show me anything I hadn't already figured out since then.
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Die Antwoord is going to release a new album soon. I can't wait. Here's one of the new songs.

Manson's new album is going to be awesome.
So I graduate from art college next semester. Before that however I have a senior show.
Would it be totally immature if, for this show, I make a giant upside down cross out of paintings of things like the virgin mary, the pope, nuns, and jesus?
About 2 weeks ago, I was painting and had one of those moments where everything just clicked and I suddenly thought "I get it! I know what I'm supposed to do!"
Since then painting has become much more enjoyable. It's amazing how much simply knowing what you're doing improves things.
I have very strange friends. My friend Hawaa just answeted the phone with "listen listen listen" and then sang along to an arabic song. Then half way through suddenly said something in arabic and hung up.
(I don't speak arabic by the way)

Also, last night, I dreamt I was trying to get a job with a slaughter house. There were hallways of bloody saw...
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I need to start practicing lucid dreaming again. It's sort of life altering.
Today I did stuff and things happened. I went places, and saw people. At one point some other stuff happened but I was like "No way. Fuck this, this sucks." So I did something else.
Tomorrow more things will undoubtedly happen.
I'm so bored. It's 2:12 maybe I should just go to bed.
Oh my god, I'm bored.