Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! Woo-Hoo biggrin Ok so I'm a little late but I've been sooooooo busy. Back at school and I'm taking 16 hours (6 classes) and still work everyday. It will all be worth it in April when the semester is over and I graduate! Yeah, I can not wait. Then in the fall I will transfer to finish my major. I'm...
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I am watching Lingo. Does anybody watch Lingo? I love this show and Chuck and Shandy and especially Shandy's dresses. She always looks soo pretty. I'm trying to quit smoking. It sucks. Actually it doesn't suck, I'm very excited. It's just hard and will take some time. But I'm willing to work at it and refuse to go back to where I was before. Oh...
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Pink- It sounds stupid and cliche, but you got to keep quiting. And it doesn't hurt to avoid the places you always smoked at. Much harder is staying from or being around those you smoked with...For me at least it was a part of my socializing with certain people....Andy PS, who or what is the Church of Xorn????
Hello all smile
Went to a funeral on Saturday and of course that's never fun, but it was good to see family I don't get to see very often. Finals are this week and that sucks. Hopefully I will be graduating in the spring and transfering in the fall. But who knows. Not much else going on just working A LOT. Ohh I did buy some...
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Ok so I'm finally updating what's been going on lately in MY life.
~ Saturday Nov. 20 I went with my boyfriend to shoot my set. It was shot at someone else's house so we were slightly pressured to get as many photos as possible that day. Took me a few minutes and a beer (among other relaxers) and I felt good in front of...
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Everyone check out my pictures I posted last night. There aren't very many but there will definatly be more. Oh and I'll give a better update tomorrow (hopefully) on everything that's been going on lately. Gotta run, going to watch the FSU championship game. Woo-hoo GO NOLES biggrin love ! Much love kiss miao!! miao!!
biggrin Tomorrow is the BIG day love I'm shooting my first set. I'm a little nervous puke and a LOT excited tongue miao!! ! Hopefully the weather will be good and not too cold. Anyways, wish me luck wink love biggrin

Goodnight miao!! kiss miao!!
How did it go? Hope to see your set soon!! smile
Btw, I don't if you can remove the date/time stamp on an image. You'll have to edit it out with a "clone brush" or "paint" it. (I think)
hope the shoot went good smile
Hey everybody puke It's been a long week already and it's only halfway over. Anyways, my application was accepted and now I'm working on my first set. Every detail has been planned and the perfect site chosen for my theme. So now I'm just waiting for the 18th to roll around (the date I think I'm going to shoot my set with my boyfriend). I'm so...
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Yeah good luck with your set.... I hope everything goes well.... can't wait to see it.... i can't decide whether I should go for being an SG a few friends have said that i should but my friends are a bit kinder than the audience of SG we'll see eh? Good luck anyway
Thank u! I actually have done two other ones of Dawn biggrin

Hi all!! I just submitted my application to be an SG model. Wish me luck!!!! Hope all goes well (had problems submitting my pictures frown ) and I hear back soon. Gotta go to sleep. More updates tomorrow (hopefully).
Goodnight kiss surreal tongue skull miao!! miao!!
looking forward to seeing your SG set.....oh yeah....in your "gets me hot section" do you mean waching bj's or giving bj's?? just asking, i'm not trying to be gross....type to you soon...
Giving kiss love miao!! miao!! tongue
Hello all! Not much exciting to report tonight. Waiting on the arrival of some special goodies. Went to a new guy night (to learn how to play Heroclix) at the local comic shop. It was pretty fun. We got some free stuff and I even won both of the games I played biggrin tongue I've never won before. I did have some help form Church of Xorn...
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Hey everybody. Up late again, working on a paper for school. It is about factory farms oink bok miao!! , very sad!frown Anyways gotta go and finish. Hopefully more interesting things tomorrow. I will be goinh to new guy night heroclixs at local comic store with Church of Xorn. Hope it's fun love Goodnight kiss
Hello everybody in SG land! I'm very excited!! I have a friend tongueYeAH! I was starting to get worried for a minute there.But all in time things will work out, I know they will. They have to damnit. Anyways it's really late so I'm going to bed now. Goodnight kiss