Does anybody know the addresses for the Ukranian and Swiss Football Associations?

I feel it is my right to send a letter to these two organisations to demand 2 1/2 hours of my life back after watching the most abysmal game of football in recent memory.

In you I've found a story I want to keep hearing.
In you I see all colours
not just...
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You had a dream of me? Hehe that's funny.
Why the hell would I love that?

Why the hell do you love that?

Here's the video for you

A week off on holiday and all I have managed so far is to avoid the rain by staying indoors and playing online games, and rearrange my music collection.

I don't think I could ahve chosen a worse week weather wise. Ach weel, at least it allowed me to do that painting that didn't really need to be done, but was done anyway. Oh, and...
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i gotta agree, that girl is blindingly hot.
but if you didn't stay indoors would any of your DIY jobs get done??
Well, first day of my week off of work today.

Been levelling up on Lineage II for most of the day and listening to The Misinterpretation Of Silence And Its Disastrous Consequences (Wombs And Tombs Mix)
I went looking for trouble and boy - i found her

She's in love with herself - she likes the dark
on her milk white neck - the Devil's mark
I went looking for trouble, couldn't find it, got lost and stumbled into something resembling trouble. Turned out it was trouble in disguise. but such is life.
I know some people may find this link offensive, but I thought it was funny as f*ck.

If you are offended by mindless violence, you know what not to do.....

Little dick
Pretty awesome shot to the face there.
Back of the couch is where I find all the good stuff.

After sparking him out, he should have stolen his shoes.
My girlfriend tells me men are like fine wines. We start out like grapes, and it's their job to stomp on us and keep us in the dark until we mature into something they'd like to have dinner with.

Today was more like typical Scottish summer weather. A bit of rain and cool, then some sun, then dull. Much more enjoyable.
Gay clubs, neither as fashionable or as tollerant as one minght expect. It's not exactly my club of choice but it's not fair to push the usual night out upon my gay friends all the time. I can't imagine they love watching me pulling chicks in bars, if fact one of my friends has made it abundantly clear that he doesn't understand what i see in vaginas. Of course i looked at him and replied - well, me.

Need a job real soon, gonna see the riverboat casino about a job, although i'm hoping to get a Communications Manger job i applied for. It's pro rata and means i can earn in two days the same amount as a full time bar job. That would leave me the time i need to work on startin up my company.
your girlfrind is so right!!

i don't think i'll get a coffee with the guy. i've been thinking a lot about what happened after we split and he would phone me from a private number about 7 (i kid you not) times a day and hang up. i ended up changing my number after that and then i met him again and he asked if i had changed my number and i ended up giving it to him out of guilt. i am so weak frown
you don't seem to understand the deal,
I don't give two shits on how you feel,
you're burned by my lighter

Am too hot.

May go and lay in the shade with a beer.

Adios Amoebas.
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm beer!xx
It's too fucking hot. I can tell that from the hole burnt in my back. At least the beers numbed the pain. I better get back to drinking its' the only way to keep the sting at bay.
Damn bloody hot weather. I am not designed for this kinda heat. Being Scottish of the fair hair and skin variety I am designed for cloudy, light to moderate winds with a fine drizzle and a maximum temperature of 17Celsius. Because I am blue skinned, the sun makes me turn from blue to white to crispy in a matter of minutes.

Bring on the normal...
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Oh man i was in the sun for about an hour and a half and burn my shoulders to a frazzle. I think who put scotland on the man must have been having a laugh... "right here's the plan, we'll only give them sun five days a year and we'll have them love like moths to a flame... but here's the best bit, we'll make them whiter than white, no see through, that's get em" God damn the scottish weather complex.
LOL! I wish I had the balls to go in the boss' office and say that!!!!!! Maybe if I go to work drunk!!! wink
Well that was quite enough moaning from me.

Here is something not related to feeling sorry for myself.

You know if you are a true Glaswegian if you can

1.Ye can properly pronounce McConnochie, Ecclefechan, Milngavie,
Sauchiehall, St Enoch, Auchtermuchty and Aufurfuksake.
2. Ye actually like deep fried battered pizza fae the chippie.
3. Ye get four seasons in wan day.
4. Ye canny pass...
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I'll be throwing him my love. That's if he bothers his arse to turn up. The anticipation alone with be enough to send me insane.

[Edited on Jun 07, 2006 7:44PM]
That's quite an equation. Were you 'doing a flit' ??
Jesus, my attempts at a relationship just get worse and worse.

After a really enjoyable night last night, I went round to the girls for dinner tonight, only to be met with an uneasy atmosphere. I then got hit with the '....... Honestly, it's not you, it's me. I think you are a really great guy, blah blah blah, .........'

Now, judging by my past...
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You're a guy, it's always our fault, even on the remote occasions where it's not... it is. I feel bad for you but dude remember, girl's like a prick. Take this experience and use it to become more of han solo and less of a skywalker, if you catch my drift.
Plunder on, soulfy, old boy - and start saving up for a sustained period of travelling. Your mojo needs topped up, and I know just the place to take you...