Ignored call from boss while I was asleep. Had to sleep on the living room floor to wait for my replacement xbox 360 to be delivered. Sadly it was not while I was asleep so being there on the floor was somthing of a waste. It has to be signed for though so I am nailed to my living room waiting because I cannot hear...
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So the 360 showed up about 30 minutes after I made this last post. They forgot the 120 gig hard drive with the elite system. I called and asked them what the point of the elite is without the Hard drive. They simply said they were sorry and would send one out. Yet again I wait. Thankfully I had my old hard drive.

Saldy Xbox was fooling around with their software or somthing and I was not able to recover my gamer tag or even log in with my saved one on my hard drive. After 20 minutes on hold for support and 25 minutes explaining things 3-10 times to the poor lady on the phone with me we came to the conclusion that I have to wait and try again later. That is all they gave me for 45+ minutes of my time on my cell phone and with .......

Stopping this now all I will do is rant about shitty customer service.

Thanks for saying so. I still feel a little bad every night when I head to work. They always get so sad when I go.
a friend sent me these this morning. lol. so silly!
Got off work at 7:30 am, got home 8:15 am, work called at 8:30 am, called them back at 9:15 am, found out I had to go back into work from noon till 4 pm. I did so. Still got work tonight at midnight +30 too. Fun fun fun. Still need the money. Bye bye sleep, and see ya later free time. I have broken...
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awe cute - they are so awesome! have any pix of the little guy?
Bosco is on the left and Star is on the right. They are my mom's pugs. My dogs are both pug mutts. Ebony is 1/2 pug and 1/2 Akita and Sheba is 3/4 pug and 1/4 Chihuahua. I am gonna try and get the picture link to work this time. That was of Bosco and Star and this one is of Sheba
that was of Sheba and here is one of Sheba and Ebony
Need a new job. Wish I was working on my masters right now. Worked all night midnight till 7:30 and got a call at 8:30 to go back to work from noon till 4 then I got work again at midnight tonight. So much for sleep and all that.
Hmm, rear tire is flat, needed to replace them both anyway. Still really wanted to use my money for




Oh well. Hopefully they do not sell out any time soon. Anyone know a good place to get cheap motorcycle tires?
HA! Love the hat! wink
Sorry about the tire!
Well I spent the last month and a half trying to keep a friend from doing harm to himself. My reward is the loss of the friend but the saving of his life, at least for now. Sadly I cannot predict what he will do in the near future. I only wish there was more we (his family and I) could do.
dont worry. he'll come around, im sure. usually it takes time for people to mature and realize they need help. On a lighter note, yes, Squidbillies is the best smile
was not typing for a while due to almost cutting a finger off, but other than the numbness its healed now.
I got an idea for a masters thesis. I can study the diet habbits of medical pot users in California. Sounds like somthing worth a study.

Oh and I saw Watchmen today. Good Flick. Graphic novel was better of course but I do not think a better movie could have been made of it. Maybe an HBO mini series, but not a movie.
Wierd some one send a three month invite back to SG to me on my old account I lost the info for. I have already paid for a year and cannot go back to the other account without wasting the three months. What should I do? I mean it would be great to get back my old account with old friends, but now I have...
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Tell your old friends to find you here. Or ask staff if they can somehow merge the accounts.
I would except that most of the people that were my friends before I cannot remember their screen names on here. I got in touch with most of them so far though. Mainly thanks to my luck and finding SGSac and its people again.
Alright, so if I thought about it I would like to research the medical weed user demographics of California. I am not sure, but that sounds interesting. I am not really sure what I want to do anymore since I really need to pick a subject and find an angle of study. Then I have to find a school that wants a masters student that...
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