looking really awesome hun.........i def like it
kickass hunnie i like it alot
So, my account got cancelled a while back, now I'm back again. Ugh... I got a year subscription though, so I will be around at least that long.
Tomorrow is my birthday, it's also the St. Patricks Day Parade in Southie. I'm going to be drunk. ALL. DAY. LONG. puke puke puke puke puke puke puke skull skull skull skull skull
One week from today, I'm going to be another year further away from my beginning, and another year closer to my end. I'm getting old. I still get carded for cigarettes and sometimes even for movies and lottery tickets, so I guess age has been kind to me, even though I look like an overgrown 16 year old. In 27 years I've lost a lot...
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I can't wait until I go back to work, so I can get my sleeves done. Then I'm getting my throat piece, my 2 neck pieces, and my knuckles...... Ugh, someone give me money so I can start now. My B-Day is in a couple weeks... Seriously, someone buy me tattoos?

Beware the ides of March...
Lets get us a sugar daddy. I could use some new tattoos too! haha
stop being a pussy and do it
Its been a while since I've posted here. Not too much to post about... My life is somewhat boring, but also entertaining... If that makes any sense... I was sick all last week, now I'm doing better. Fun.

Whats new with all of you? Anything?
In less than 24 hours I will be on my way to Baltimore to see Integrity. 24 hours after that I'm seeing Ringworm in Cleveland. This is already the best weekend ever, and it hasn't even begun.

De inimico non loquaris sed cogites.
Even when my aim is to simplify my life it still manages to complicate itself. I often wonder if I'm just stuck in a temporal paradox that is causing my luck to reset itself in cycles. Its not all bad right now, its just a little hard to juggle so many different things going on at once.

"You're in love with every women you meet,...
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TT fucking rule. i saw them every night for 3 weeks straight and they blew me away each single time! xxx
kiss kiss kiss