God, I am so glad to finally be home and ALONE! Finally I can masterbate anytime I want to. No more feeling like a 16 year old and trying to sneak around and hide it. Yay!!!

So, tomorrow is the big regional meet-up. I'm so excited! I can't wait to finally meet everyone. I've been in a mess trying to decide what to wear. I've...
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aww....thankyou sweetie, so nice of you. i really appreciate it!
Man, I'm sorry that we didn't get to meet on Friday. There was a small emergency that came up.

Thank you so much for the kind words on the Pay It Forward thread. I really appreciated it. biggrin You're such a sweet girl!
Whoo Hoo! I'm going to see Harry Potter tonight at midnight!! I'm so so excited!

I am so in love with Harry. Make fun all you want but I enjoy the story so much. I'm such a Potter dork it's not ever funny. But the first step is always admitting that you have a problem. wink

Anyway, I decided that I hadn't posted pictures in a...
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You.....are fucking beautifull...and I am really thinking about it....i am thinking i would like florence frown
Happy 4th everyone!!

I'm sitting here putting off getting ready as usual. I've got about 30 minutes before I have to be at the church for our family's "hog roast." We all get together there since there are so many of us. We also invite people from around the community as well. We always have so much food that you walk away so full you...
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I do love me some piggy. Yummy! biggrin

OMG, Camp Nowhere. I remember that movie.
Hey, do you still plan on going to the masqerade. What are you wearing?
It's going to take me forever to catch up on everyone's blogs. That is if I ever do. Seriously, miss a few days and it's a pain in the ass to ever catch up. The ones I did read, I want to comment and maybe I'll get to it soon. I may just have to write it all down and put it in a blog...
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That's weird about your eyes. Maybe you've just become unaccustomed to weird Mississippi air.
I miss you!!
Hey everyone! Another update. I have offically started my vacation and I'm already going stir crazy. It's kind insane. I've gone from having too much to do to nothing to do. It's kinda insane. I'm heading home to Mississippi next week though and going to stay throughout the 4th. I'm excited for it. I won't have to cram visits with everyone into two days. I...
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Nice pictures. I also like your new profile pic.
Awesome pictures, my friend.
Yikes, sunburns suck.

I say screw the boy. You need a man girl! biggrin
Blues Travler kicks ass......and if the boy is dumb enough not to call you then its his fucking loss....do what Koriana said and find yourself a man...... kiss kiss
Quick update!

Today was my last day at the Evil Empire. I'm so excited to begin a new career! More important, I'm ready for my 3 weeks of vacation! YAY!

I cried a little today. It wasn't because I was sad, it was because I felt so loved by everyone. I'm going to miss all my peeps so so much. The perfect situation would be...
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I hope you get well soon...LMAO. That's funny.

Love the message. Let us know how he responds. biggrin
Hmmmm, I find myself humming the Jeopardy theme..... do do do do do do do......
Ok. so new update. I'm sorry for the last crazy post. I swear that I'm not normally THIS insane.....boys make me like this and it's the reason that I say I hate them most of the time. WHY do they have to be so confusing. WHY?

Anyway, so, after that last post. I kept talking myself back up, along with the help of some VERY...
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aww good luck honey!!!
Dude, I know what you can say to him when he comes in on Friday.

"I couldn't help but notice the sexual tension and flirty banter between us? Am I imagining this or are you into me? If you are into me, then let's get this thing started. If not then atleast I'll know to start looking somewhere else." biggrin

Is it a little strong? I dunno, I guess I'm just a blunt person...hehe.

I hope everything goes well on Friday. Let us know what happens. kiss
Ok, so I went to see Fantastic Four last night. It was so amazing! I enjoyed every second of it. I hate to say it but I think I may have liked it better than Pirates. Julian McMahon was beautiful as always. He plays evil so well. The only think I didn't like about it was the fact that they went and made Jessica Alba...
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Hmmm.. honestly, it sounds a little like this guy is acting this way because he's wanting the attention. Any attention, from anyone. Which sucks, cause that's a really jerky way to act. But, I'm pretty horrible at giving out advice, sooo.. yeah.

But ANYWAY, I'm glad to hear a positive review of Fantastic Four, I was kinda on the fence about it, but now I'm ready to see it smile
I seriously can never ever tell you how much you mean to me!
Just the fact that you STILL listen to me complain about him without throwing things makes you an angel of a friend! haha..
I love you!
kiss kiss kiss
So, I seriously don't know what is up with my dreams lately. Last night I had two different dreams each one about murder and death. In the first one, a little girl was being raped and murdered in this underground room all the while her family was up above unaware of anything. I'm not sure if I was the one doing the killing or if...
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Okay so understand I'm a comic book geek. The Dr Doom Character bugs me cause they won't mess his face up which is why he wore a mask. The one you can't take off. I too am excited about the new movie cause it looks bad ass. maybe we will review together in the week to come.
Ohter geeky thing I totally had to listen to the Backstreet Boys. It's like lie Nsync or Backstreet. I am totally Backstreet.
this is more of what I listen too. or more to say what moves me.

Sorry to hear about bad dreams. My brother passed a about 9 years ago and I had weird dreams for a bit. I am always around if you need to talk.

ooo aaa love
So today so far is interesting......I had some crazy dreams last night.

First off, I'll say my cyst that I talked about yesterday is finally clearing up. After sitting in the bathtub all day yesterday! Woke this morning to no pain at all!! Yea!

Anyway, so the really crazy dream I had last night was about me and my roommates. Recently, my roommate and I...
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sorry to hear about your brother.

i do belive that sometimes when you dream of passed loved ones....its is them actually visiting you. this sounds like one of those times. he must have wanted to say hi.

wow....you have exact same smile that you had when you a little girl! so cute!
Thank you google......You have saved me yet another bit of worry and maybe a trip to the doctor.

Now, I'm going to Spoiler this seeing how I know not all of you may want to read about it. It's could be kinda gross.

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

In the last day or so, I've been having this sore spot on the inside lips of my...
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I'm sorry the whole myspace thing is super cute and funny. Faimily is funny. This made me laugh out loud

"So, she went on saying that they are not my judges, the lord knows what is on there."

o dis watching you!! Guilt rocks!!

orry about the cyst, It sounds painful. But you are doing what you can to deal with it. Good job!! If need be though, go see the doctor!!

ooo aaa love
ooo i hope that all clears up for you sweetie. if it doesn't go away see a doctor please, you don't want to fuck with that stuff.

myspace is really starting to bother me, my litte cousin found my page, and i was like OMG! not that i have naked pics on there, but i don't know, it's MINE. it's so private now. blush