i had such a great birthday. i love my friends. my friend rick bought me flowers and i had to hold back the tears. my bestest friend got me Grey Gardens. which i love. I got some nerds from missy. and with my birthday money, i bought all 5 seasons of Ab Fab. so friggin great! ooo aaa
Glad you had a great day. smile
so yesterday at work sucked. only because of the person i was working with. i like being busy but it helps when the person who i supposed to be working with you actually takes part of the responability. oh well. i don't have to work with her for 2 more weeks.

I cancelled therapy today so i could sleep. my therapist called me and said...
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Father Sky says that, unfortunately, the Fat Old Sun is working under contract... the current details of which have his orbit remaining as it is for the next couple hundred of years or so. Once renegotiations roll around, they'll discuss it and try to work in a few of the changes you're hoping for, but by then the point will be rather moot.

I did the best I could...

i dyed my hair pink yesterday. it has been awhile since i had some really sexy hair. i needed to do something. i am too fucking poor for more tats.