I'm so sorry for your lossfrown
Thanks for the birthday wisheskiss
Work is slow. Only working 3 off 4 and making more $ than when I was a OTR driver gone for a week at a time. Being a CFI is lucurtave. with the economy being bad I thought people would not be learning to fly but I am up and down like a yo yo.
I go back to work monday. Have to admit I was getting lazy thes pass two months. I went down to the yard and put my gear in and took it down to get fuel so I can head out early AM. Felt great to drive an 18 wheeler and go through the gears. Almost like that beautiful shudder every helicopter pilot knows as translational...
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That is AWSOME!!! Can you come fly over my house and drop those to me?? Those things are greatbiggrin Man - I miss flying like crazyfrown
Two more to add the list of police depts. looking for a chopper pilot. New Mexico state police and San Jose, Ca. Funny thing is that San Jose has offered a lot of $ and no one year as a potroal man. But it is in California I am an east coats person. No thanks. I am happy driving a truck and giving flight lessons...
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You can fly helicopters?!

Yes US Navy and for 7 years It was exciting, challenging flying, requiring great precision and skill, and I loved it. I was in my early twenties and in command of a four-man crew and a multimillion dollar aircraft. I just did not look Navy enough I was told many times. I was big fan of Airwolf while at Embry-Riddle .
My head hurts. Weather changing an I am glad. If gas were not so high I would go spend a few weeks in New Hampshire and visit friends.
Thank you for the offer on the kitty...i think it's still a little soon for me. Plus, the fact that I'm not sure when I'll be moving. I don't feel it's fair for an animal brought home and just getting used to the surroundings and then all of a sudden up and move and then has to readjust.
OMG check this out. I found it looking for a pic of a friend of mine who was in the Marines the same time I was in the Navy. This is me 21 years old in flight school. At Ft Rucker Al. I was in advanced trainning as I had all my certificates all the way too CFI 2 from ERAU. Look how skinney I...
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That is freaking awsome!! I wish I had the choice to become a pilotfrown Stupid visual accuity testblackeyed
I am bored and everyone has the week off as we are so slow. The cuts are healing fast but still sore at times.
Home from the hospital. I was in an accident on my way home last tuesday. My car is totaled and I have about 50 stiches in in all over my face and head. The car was t-boned by a young adult and he was charged. An older gelteman helped me out of the car, it had rooled over and he took charge an I could...
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