So the tattoo shop I run is looking for experienced tattoo artists! I love this shop with all my heart and pretty much consider it my own. I take pride in the artists and the overall shop.

If you know anyone who is an experienced tattoo artists looking for a new shop in Orange County send em my way....

All Hallows Ink Tattoo & Piercing...
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awesome place!!!!
Hmm, I've been in there a few times. But only to buy jewelry for my wife. smile
So I finally decided to renew my account. I didn't see the point in renewing it at first but then I pretty much said fuck it.


*New job is going really well. Hours kick ass. Travis is really cool and I work with good people.
*Still living at Dad's but I found a really nice apartment in Fullerton but I want to save for...
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New Year = New Job

So this Friday is my last day at Epitaph. It comes with happiness and sadness. I have been at Epitaph 3 years and have made some amazing friends, saw some amazing shows and met some amazing artists. I will miss the music and all the people.

So starting Tuesday I am working for Famous Stars & Straps...I am ready for...
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Good luck in your new Job! tongue
cant believe you are going to work at hot topic central!!!


love you jen!
I can't sleep. Why is it that when I am alone I can't fall asleep till 3 or 4 am, even on work nights. Seems like the only time I can actually fall asleep at a decent hour is when I am at his house...total gayness.

God, it is almost 3am and I am up watching some movie, surfing the net and I am bored...
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coz you are dumb
So I watched Brokeback Mountain last night (yeah I am slow when it comes to movies) and I thought it was ok. But that damn line that Jake says...well that is amazing.

"I wish I knew how to quit you."

Yeah...I wish I knew how to quit you whatever
I think I am finally at the point where I am over it and moving on, well one would at least hope.
Here's to hoping! smile
Albert Einstein once said: :

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

So I love this quote but why tell people it if you don't go by it youself??? People annoy me sometimes.
God damn it was cold. Attempted fishing this weekend at Lake Mead...yeah not so much. I think it was like 29 degrees on the water. We tried for about 4 hours and gave up, went back to the hotel, played some slots and passed out.

We did however visit Bass Pro Shops. I bought a camo duffle bag and some cookie mix.

I have VIP...
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Why do things have to be so damn difficult? I dunno what the hell is going on anymore with anything... frown
December is almost here. Vacation is almost here. Found out that my good old grandpa offered me his condo in Mammoth anytime I want to go, so that should be fun...summertime fishing here we come!!

Huntington Harbor boat parade in a few weeks...always fun.

I want this year to be over...I am ready for 2007.