I helped an old lady in a wheel chair today. One of her back wheels had fallen off the sidewalk and I lifted her back on. Felt good.

And in other news, I am officially back on the (online) dating scene! Within days of subscribing, I got an interested girl and we are now in talks of meeting! I could actually have a new girlfriend...
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I think online dating is great. I used to do a lot of that. I think having the chance to exchange written words with someone can give you an even better idea of who someone is than meeting in person, though not always.

I'm a little curious what she would mean by 'MUST be sexually open-minded'. Did you ask her about that yet? It might not be what you're hoping for. Maybe she want to stick things in your bum or shock your balls with electricity or worse! Or maybe she actually IS the old lady you helped the other day.

Sorry, not really trying to freak you out here - good luck and let us all know how it goes.
woohoo! good for you babalouey.. lots of luck
I'm off to listen to my Magical Mystery Tour album
[update: pictures from the show i attended! ]

Yes, yes! Rocky Horror DID happen, at last!

I even got all dressed up in honor of lingerie night, with an outfit that i compiled from various sources, all of which will go un-named wink . And my hot, pimp-my-ride-reject friend was weiring this incredibly revealing corset that complimented her 36d's quite well. In fact every time somebody...
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Glad you enjoyed the show.

Ya don't worry about the call-backs, you will learn them in time. You wil also probably come up with a few yourself.

I will be going back to the show at the end of this month. Bondage Night is always fun.
hehe 'blokes'.

well cool.. skling.

i feel like i havent said much to u lately! so i must apologize.

and heres an official hello biggrin
Alright, so my hot friend who lost her Pimp My Ride nomination is gonna be taking me to the San Diego Rocky Horror Picture Show!

Or atleast she says she is; she's actually been promising to take me every week from September to December '04. But this is the first promise in a long time so i'm more hopeful than usual!

It's also going to...
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Ooooh. RHPS - let me know how the one in San Diego is - the ones in Hollywood and Long Beach are pretty tame (read: lame). I used to go every Saturday night when I lived up north. But it just hasn't been the same anywhere else.
Aww that sounds so cool ARRR!!!
let us know if you went!
So it looks like my friend ain't gonna be on Pimp My Ride after all. In fact, now that she knows they chose someone else, she's actually sold the ol' Beast and is buying a new car.

How very, very dissapointing. frown

Well, here are some pictures of her and the van; everyone visit and pay your respects.

Aw. well if it makes her feel better... i applied for it. sent in like 10 pics, but never even got a response! hmph.

im not cool enough for Mtv i dont think. thats why.

and i dont listen to Xzibit. i listen to old man music.

thats probably why huh. they found out.

oh well. not all of us can be on pimp my ride. *sniff*

Awww... that van was awesome. I love old vans. I've got an old '77 chevy that I really don't want to get rid of but I probably should. I just know that right after I sell it, I'll meet the A-Team or something so I figure I'd better hang on to it.
Hello, everyone. And hello to my new SG friend http://suicidegirls.com/members/dmGremlin/; thanks to you i've now not one, but two SG/myspace crossover buddies (thank you also, http://suicidegirls.com/members/Salem13/)!

Here's my link again, 'case anyone else wants to join the wild skling party.


Other than that, there isn't much going on in my world. So let's all join hands and sing the palpitation song! Or...
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oh yay!

hi skling!...hooray for myspace crossovers...
i'm so damn hooked on that site!
i'm so happy we're friends now kiss
whut up yo - !



Mein My Space profile. If you are a my space member and my SG friend, please increase my friends list over there.


So far I've only one actual friend, a sister and a cousin. frown
Ok, I've got good news and bad news...

The good news is, I GOT THE FUCKIN' NIN TICKETS, BABY!!!

haha, I was refreshing the ticketmaster page over and over again during the last minute before they went on sale. That was a bout 00:17:00 minutes time ago, and i wouldn't be surprised if they were sold out already. Sucks for everyone without a cable modem!...
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Soma. soma. soma soma soma.

yep. it works for me.

OOoooOOoOOOoooo NIN. you whippersnappers and your crazy rock n roll. devils playground i tells ya! you need some.... Air Supply. oh yes.

no my cats not draggin his butt around, but sometimes he freaks out, out of the blue and dashes through the house at 90 mph. confused smile
Ok, ok I'm updating.

My friend (the one who might be getting her Ride Pimped by MTV, in case anyone remembers) just turned 20 today and came over to my house to recieve the gift I bought her: The complete live-action LA BLUE GIRL DVDs! That's right, folks, getting molested by demon/alien/robot tentacles isn't just for anime characters anymore!

I also met said girl's long-time...
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im love flawless credit
im so into my credit score 4 no real reason
probably because im not into scores and sports normally but this is one score that is useful in life
im such a dork
anyways, hope you get 2 see nin
i went once and a perfect circle opened for them
it was awesome
So i was depressed for a few minutes 'cause i realized that the total amount i spend on food, rent and bills every month is more than my monthly take-home pay (and yes, i consider my SG and Deluxe Pass memberships to be bills wink ). $12 dollars money to be exact, so for a second there i thought i was losing $12 dollars money every...
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how can you say you're ugly? i think you're very attractive myself.

im serious. ugly is a word reserved for very unfortunate souls. i dont think you qualify.

although we all have our 'ugly days' surreal wink
hey you need to update! im tired of reading the same old crap!!

wink kiss
Been too pissed to update lately; turns out when my douchebag dad retired from the last december he knowingly neglected to shell out the money and paperwork to keep mine and my little sister's benefits going. So as of January, her and i have no medical benefits whatsoever, and the cut-off date for me to enroll with the county plan was in october.

I swear...
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