True masculinity is impossible without a substantial volume of male meat
Ha ha....meat. tongue
Silly boy...get a real guitar tongue biggrin
I wish I were as witty and awesome as this guy!

Check out more hilarious Bo Burnham here on YouTube.
Pups were an "Oops".. Mom was too pre-occupied with getting ready with my wedding that she didn't notice that little miss sophie went into heat :-\ So, one of the boys tapped dat ass tongue As far as the pups go, hopefully after all this crap that she's had to endure she has a healthy litter.... If she DOES have a healthy litter then they will be sold to good homes. Doc just told me that there is a good chance she'll miscarry :\ I guess well have to see..

thanks for your wishes and concern.. I need to try to crash.
Well, I've been kind of a lurker on SG lately. Haven't much posted or updated my blog, but I'll give it a shot tonight. I hope life is going well for all my friends here. For me, life is very busy. My girlfriend has visited me the last three weekends, which has been awesome. This last week we went to the Engineers' Charity Ball at...
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Im glad things are going so well for you, you and your girl are so cute!...You will have to let me know how the toilet training goes...I have had my fair share of cats, and that litter is dang expensive, but I have never tried the toilet training.
My kitten broke my heart this morning frown
Ever since we've moved into the new apartment, Bella has decided to get on a very short sleeping routine. She wakes me up at 3:30, 6:30 and 8. Every. Night. She has this cute (though only in looking back on it) way of waking me up by ramming her face into mine until I finally give and get...
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Guess who has a new friiiiiend! I doooo! I've finally got my new apartment and Bellatrix has moved in! She's loving the place. She explored every thing she can, jumps on anything in reach and is currently sleeping in my bed. I've got to join her soon, 8 am classes...

The living solo thing looks very promising! I'm glad to finally be responsible (entirely!) for...
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Iowa Supreme Court today ruled that same sex marriages are legal! Hurray for progression in what I thought was one of the least progressive states in the union! Oh I'm a little happier to call myself an Iowan today.

That bit of news being said, I'm currently reading "The Live Earth Global Warming Survival Handbook: 77 Essential Skills to Stop Climate Change - or Live...
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I am all for making changes, and I try when I can, but ya know, the earth will still be here long after humans die out...
Still building building here! Here are some more progress pictures. I haven't done anything today but buy some tools, build and drink mountain dew. I'm going to clean up a little bit and then go get some Panchero's for dinner. I love that place. Delicious. The whole top of the tree is unfinished at this point. I'm running low on carpet, so I'm trying to...
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Your kitty will be one happy little girl.

I'm on campus until 3pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and until 6pm on Tues. and Thurs. due to labs. I'm not exactly thrilled.

My loans are also on hold, AGAIN. I swear to god...I'm going to burn the fucking office down. This is getting ridiculous, EVERY semester I've run into some sort of problem. They have morons working there, I swear.

I will spend about $550-$600 on books this semester. I am uber-not-impressed.

I have had three hours of sleep. I'm losing my mind.

I am poor.

I'm constantly darting to opposite sides of the campus. Suh-weet.

There's a group of us going to the hookah bar this Friday. If you'd like to join. smile
I've been busy constructing today! I've finally put a deposit down on an apartment that I'll be moving into by September 1st, and I'll get to move Bellatrix in with me on Labor Day. So I've been building a cat tree for my kitten all afternoon! I put several hours into it today already and didn't get as far as I expected, but I'll share...
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That looks really great, you know those cat tree's are usually pretty expensive, you could make a nice side business building and selling those...and you look like you are feeling much better!
Wellllllllll here's a quick bit of life:

  • I spent five days in the hospital - exact parasite unkown
  • I got to go on vacation the day after release
  • Five day cruise with the family was very fun
  • I'll upload pictures some day soonish
  • I went back to work today - got very fatigued
  • Spent $668 on textbooks - not impressed
  • Found a possible apartment -...
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Are you feeling better now?