so i jus realized. Ive got about 8 friends which i only know 2 and only 1 favorite suicide girl. I should use this site more often while its still free lolsmile
I found you by going to the members page and seeing who was most active to fish for friends because this is exactly what i think is happening to everyone thats not an sg, oh and i think i have like 2 months and 2 weeks left freebie tonguerobot Maybe we could inspire a mass add-a-thon?
I'll be your friend tongue
soo im off today... gonna sleep in and be lazy... maybe take a few shots of tequila oink
man im totally lost on this website.. im not sures if i know what time clicking on ... blahh and i think i fell down last night on a drunken adventure.. my knee hurts as if i was a fat kid in dodgeball that took a hard fall.. ouch.
Eh, its not to hard silly boy, you get used to it.

Poor fat kid.
So I'm back thanx to the person who gave me 3 months of service!!!
Totally was me...yup totally ::crosses fingures:: you should uhm, give me presents for being nice! Is your girlfriend a fair trade? Come on I totally gave you three months of SG, I'll feed her a SWEARS it!?!?
you swears it? ok but you have to come pick her up lol