Bachelor Party! Woo Hoo!! Too bad the groom doesn't drink and is uncomfortable enough to the point of squirming in his chair when around strange women (fully-clothed, naked, nude, dancing, standing, or any combination thereof goes without saying), who doesn't like to get out - given the choice, and doesn't ascribe to the average definition of "fun" or "entertainment." Why no... how did my buddy...
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Damn, how many members are there in the ATL? Like 6? Shit...
::steps down from soapbox::

bit of good news: my appliance repair job has finally got some work lined up for me. granted, it's only two calls and they're scheduled for seven hours from now, i still get to work for half a day. that's good news considering the complete lack of any work...
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I second megzilla's suggestion about joining SGATLiens. I have been a member of the group for a long time, and it is a good way to interact with other people that are on SG from the Atlanta area.
have either of you met ThePipeDream? another cool cat from lawrenceville.
BTW - Donzell, i was looking trough a ton of profiles last night when i wrote up this post, and i could have sworn your subscription had been discontinued. not to sound like i was creepin or anything O_O
Meg, i have several IRL friends that are SG groupie material. I don't mean models, but regular members like you and Donzell and myself. thing is, they have either never heard of SG, or they have, and jump to the conclusion that i'm some sort of salacious, baby-eating heathen. (yes thats how the Cantonese hillfolk think because it's a torrential red sea of anal retention over here. therefore one can only surmise from that assertion that i'm the exact opposite: a nightmarishly flaccid-anused blue drop in the big shitpot bucket, and i'm not afraid to waive that card above my head while screaming at the top of my tree-hugging lungs about it okay, bad analogy, but the point has been made and so much for my objection to salacity)But i digress
the point is, now that I know there are at the very least two more of the southern stock, I'll check out the boards before I open my social cynicism-spewing face again.puke
Great weekend:
Lost glasses, dropped and broke iPhone 4, was randomly stung by a wasp, got a severe poison ivy exposure, ran out of anti-depressant meds, and now I'm taking on odd jobs because my new appliance repair job cant get me any work. FML
This isn't a pity post, this is just an update. That's all ya get, cos that's all I got going...
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I wish I could give you a hug!
And I hope things are beginning to look up again.
Everything will be sunshine an rainbows when the fall semester commences. I seriously can't wait. Realistically, uear six won't be nearly as cool as it was for Harry Potter. robot
Crazy thing happened last night. I was driving my girlfriend to her apartment after dinner last night. It was raing like mad, an as we drive in, there was this girl walking down the middle of the road. In the rain. At night. Anyway, I drove by her and didn't think anything about it.
So I drop off my girlfriend, and head back out, but...
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Wow, that's crazy... and also beautiful.
Thank you, for being a good person.
After two years and eight months of getting fucked by Big Oil, they finally termed my employment after I made the decision to try to help my managers, coworkers, and the store.
Thanks for nothing and good riddance! puke

I also quit smoking and got a tattoo, so thats a plus.
that feeling you get when you

SPOILERS! (Click to view)
find yourself irrationally attracted to someone you barely know and your chances are probably one in a million to ever meeting them face to face, much less hitting things off.

i love that feeling

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but in this case i'd much rather things pan out

it's an awesome feeling.
And I could sell your manuscript away, sell it to the lowest bid today; or toss it down the stars into your yard, to discard.
I'm really ready for spring. I hate not being able to get out and enjoy being outside because it's cold (and currently very wet). There are these great trails that I really enjoy hiking when it's better spring/summer weather. Normally they are cycling and horse trails, but seeing as I don't have either of those things, I tend to hike. I think from end to...
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Not a whole lot to be said about this entry. Think stream of consciousness.

I haven't really done much reaching out to the SG community, which is something I want to change.There are a lot less SG-SE members than I had previously thought Which brings me to my first real point. Where the hell is everyone? I looked through the zip code search and, much...
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Fuck my life, I'm transferring universities again. I'll never get on with my life, but that's okay.

Heed the words of the humble rodent.