If feels weird to be single again. I mean I'm the one who ended it.. but it still sucks. Oh well, time to move forward to bigger and better things.
Well I have an orientation at Toys R Us tomorrow.. and an interview at Best Buy Wednesday. If I get the Best Buy job I may tell Toys R Us to shove it, I don't particularly feel like working 4am-10am.. that's right in my prime sleeping hours.

I'm debating if I should cut my hair short again, right now its almost to my shoulders... I...
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I'm going to just be an advertising Whore and promote my friends Band. The music is hard to classify, its kind of a mix between Metal, Industrial, Punk, and who the hell knows.


He puts on a hell of a show.
Yeah honestly the heat is giving me a pretty hard time...I'm from Virginia though so you'd think I'd at least be used to the humidity!
Ugh, really? I kind of thought it would peak in July...wishful thinking, apparently.
Christmas is here tomorrow, YAY!! A lot of things have been going on, mostly good. I am finally buckling down with school, its kind of pathetic that I've been going so long but have failed to get a degree in anything; so hopefully by this time next year all my requirements are complete. I really should have focused and not been so wishy-washy with the...
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I am home, YAY!! it was an overall great road trip. Went through New Mexico, Arizona, California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, South Dakota, then flew back home.

Met my dad at the airport in Washington last Saturday, so hes finishing the trip for me as we speak xP
Soooo excited, on July 1st I am starting on a month long trip. I am driving from Houston, through California, and into Washington to visit my friends. A road trip away from everyone down here has been long overdue!!
I want to get a tattoo soo bad, but I am so damn indecisive it isn't even remotely funny. Perhaps my first should just be picked off a parlor shop wall, just to break into it? I've really been contemplating an Ouroboros tattoo from Full Metal Alchemist, so that may be it.... AGHHH I just don't know. mad
Happy New Year everyone, I hope 2010 is a great year for you all. May this year bring good health, fortune, and love to us all. Let us make grand new discoveries about life and about ourselves and let us try new things and never regret the things of the past. There is only one life to live and it should never be lived in...
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