I LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And they are coming to Dresden on November 10th!!!!!!!!!!!!
hmmm, i wish I had someone to textmessage japanese to me so I could improve my language. If you know anyone then let me know smile . I take philosophy courses know. It can't be bad for a scientist to have some humanistic education too ^^.
thank you smile
Exams done!!!!!! I'm off to Greece ARRR!!!
Lucky you! Have fun in Greece! kiss
I broke one of my toes today! Let's all do the broken toe dance!
yikes. hope it heals soon! smile
I went to Berlin this weekend to visit a friend's birthday party. It was so awesome. If you ever come to Berlin then visit Fritz Club!!!!!!!!! Yeeeehaaaa!!!!!!!! biggrin
Celebrate good times come on! biggrin
It's my B-Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Party time smile
fall arriving? i dont know where in Germany you live, but i saw that it was raining in berlin lately!
or is it hot weather with rain?
oh well, that really might not be great, i hope till october it will be better smile
I'm bored.... but also happy.....ain't it strange biggrin surreal eeek
thank you for the birthday wishes kiss
Damn it I fu****g hate maths....... sometimes at least........
thank you sweetheart kiss
math sucks! i can barly do 1+1 .... shocked
it actually wasnt that bad at al, but i feel so sick ever since frown
finally, sorry for being absent so long but damn I totally destroyed my computer and had to wait one whole week until this thing was repaired. It seems like my graphics card melted inside my computer, that was a whole lot of fun for the technician but hey, at least it's working now. This weekend will be sooo boring. I've got to do so...
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Here I sit, free Thursday tomorrow and an *** full of work to do but hey at least can sleep as long as I want.
Did I mention that I've started to learn Japanese. IT'S SO AWESOME. Well I had to learn the first 46 Hiragana signs in 2 lessons and about 300 words but this just contributes to learning fast. So our japanese teacher...
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thank you =]
my name means when you feel sick and the state you are at right before you vomit.
hahahaha! how lovely!
but there is something about it that i love. i just think its a really nice word.
how're you?
what do you do? i can see it says you're learning japanese. thats rad!
wheres dresden?
i'm rubbish at geography lol. sorry! =P
signum is cool & i like that its to do with maths. geekyness is so cute! and hot =D
yeah i guess english might be quite hard. i imagine its more to do with how we have a few words that sound the same but mean different things. i rekon that would confuse me. also i think some things i say must sound pretty obscure. not really just slang but in general some of the sentences i come out with.
we have a chinese girl who lives with us and i think i confuse her often. bless!
I just started learning Japanese. It's awesome but soooooo fast and I'll have to know more than 500 japanese letters at the end of this semester. Sounds like fun smile .
Nevertheless, Japanese is awesome. I'll have to watch hundreds of Dragonball episodes.
I am soooo bored and I have been playing computer games for 7 hours or so and now my eyes hurt biggrin .
Holidays are so nice. Time to relax and do absolutely nothing that makes sense exept eating.