very overwhelmed as of late, cannot wait till i get back in school. This only means I will no longer be salary (sad face).
Well hello, crusher! You seem to be pretty amazing yourself!
thanks for understanding..just needed to vent!
Cant believe im 25! where did the time go? Im so tired of fucking working
I'm so glad the quarter is over, ill be taking a quarter off to catch with work. After this degree, fuck a ph.d
This grad program is really kicking my ass and forcing me to question whether if this is the field I should be in. I know everythime a parent thanks me or everytime a kid does something out of session that was taught it reassures me for the moment, but at the same time I feel I need more of a monetary compensation, this sounds shallow...
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as always, you are too sweet to me.

it surprises me to hear that you're questioning school!!! you are so passionate about it, i'm sure this doubt will pass. how much longer does the program last?

btw, i graduated this afternoon smile
your references never cease to amaze me smile
I literally had 2 hours worth of sleep last night and am looking at 4 hours tonight.
no sleep for the wicked. i had 4 hours, been up since 8am working//errands
haha you make me sound so emo. i guess it's sometimes true.

anyway, hello smile and thank you. and i get my new ink finished tuesday, i will post photos of it after it heals.
Im super tired of work, supervisor busting my shit.

I cant get this certain someone out of my head. I've never felt this way before, especially because I hardly know her. Who am I to deny these feelings under these disasterous circumstances? I have to go with my heart on this one and if it fails then the repercussions cannot be as worse and just...
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More bitching about report writing. Im tired about fuckers work want me to have a masters and promoted because of this, but yet want me to focus soley on work! and fuckers from school accepted me because of the field I work and only want me to focus on school and make me take classes that require me to work less? bullshit
Im am so freaking stressed out these days, have two punk ass assessment reports due this week. My field work class is killin me too, i havent even started this big ass list of shit for the fucking class. I seriously bit off more than I could chew these last few months.

p.s. I can't get smyth off my mind, its getting kinda annoying love
SG is pretty cool, after a couple years of hearing about it Ive decided to try it out.
hey smile