i am cool breeze emanate slowly through trees
decide direct in direction we slide
serpentine eyes cradle my filthy bloodshot eyes
as i cry
descension of order bloody as the day i was born
with umbilical noose wrapped tightly
free ride we hide in the back
wrapped up in silk dressed diligently for agent orange
feed my hunger
bring this forward

i got two scorpions...
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sent sin seraph reversal
fallen angel, take my dead childs rose
step further for ever take sleep not feathers
but rock surface cold floor denies shelter
blackheart heavy sent shots in dark gleaming death around cold fingers as this demise draws every quicker
ever closer to my death i ride
better a life of quick excitement than a boring menial exsistence
but everyone enjoys...
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well I"m a huge talker
and aaaaahhhh, another fan of Acid Bath, fantabulous! ...
inspirations to light my way
poe and patsy cline, roy orbison and red red wine
obsidian flesh in bonless skin
dedicate the hell im in
to you my love quoth " nevermore"
to you my love do you understand now?
burden brought by plagued machine
no one sees the hell you're in, my love your love inbetween, stay away from the light, keep close to...
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i do have some questions though: do you really have a thousand young? and if so, how do you keep track of what you named them?
i just found your uh old etown cd if your reading my journal dude, so fuckin uh, yeah, uh huh, by the way the first down cd is way better than the second one is; way better, as a matter of fact i reallty think that philly phil phil phil phil should start singing again instead of just screaming, gettin worried his voice is goin...
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surreal surreal i might just die torture brain stimulate artificial highs bring me low to the floor i brain eye despise burnt baby doll, crush pocilean thighs hip grinder machine slash grave rob fiend cut mescaline trip with skiied out fiends inhale enebriate death to asphyxiate my oh mysee her with glassy eye as i die and we shall all share my fate just as...
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I feel like commenting on poetry is patronizing, so I'll leave it at that...
buttcracks are one of the weirdests things ever .......... along with the labia "hail the conquering hero!!" ba naa ba na na na na naaaaaaa, fucking hell pork and popciscle ice dreams on a rainy winter day you smell like fanticide drip my ego blaster in your side and pray for orange hours and green thumbs, butterfly, sick with bile dripp inside die explode with...
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hey thanks for making me one of your favs!! (sarcasm...ever heard of it?)
Yay!!! I REALLY am one of your favs now!! biggrin
i feel so unpersonal, as i write these devotionals
these people seem so pitiful
there life is something endable
as i die, they may bleed, come to me end in me
pity white and blood alike as trees of change control my brain
its over for the charred red death, a pagan ritual one step left
til hit rock bottom, bottom feeder
takin my feet...
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aint that the fuckin truth.
when you allow it to become your life
then you become your own death
your self preservation, your ruined epitaph
"here lies another whos become undone
lost the whole war with the battles they'd won"
so be sick, become death, be greedy, regaurd only self
i will laugh at you in the end when you have no real friends left
cause your close to plastic,...
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oh man.
fight for flicker present fiends
im in prison whips and chains
left alone no place to please
bending down on tortured kness
me im fine, oh yeah allright
commit these treason day by night
its time to wake this fucking dream
this burning life its bringing me
to pain, to suffer, my kife, just torture, this breath my mind, undead, for all time
my breath...
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hotshot, you think youve got it all
by my hand fall fall
gotta give more blood than i think i can hold
gotta spill more guts of the fake false untold
bullshit artist, i see the cards up your sleeve
you're not that good of a liar, always stutter
make me suffer
i will destroy your flesh, it will comsume you whole
i am your...
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holy shit are you serious??? where are they going to be playing?
you spelled color like you're british...faker.
enter eternity, sex on my back as i take your flesh
torture self on the rack, pious hate live in me
i am your priest
taste blood taste soil
slit necks for rosaries
burnt dead offerings
this time i do what i please
so take it, take all that you can, cause after were over
your skin wont mean shit, not like it does now...
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*in best Keanu Reeves impression*
ummm...a little pissed are we??
taste poison on skin in cold bloodless circles
i am the night and she its disiples
wondering when my funeral it beckons
in a old bathtub greet my arm with absent blessings
i take no more for ive given all i had
how can you be when death aint all that bad
like a hammer took swiftly to old steel familiar
i write i wrong,...
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i like that!