my computer/internet is down.....phooey...........i dont know why my roomate isn't paying his bills on time.....i was exceptionally drunk last nit..... didn't go over too well with the situation, i felt somewhat silly.........but in a way i look at it as a good event....it really showed me where some peoples priorities lay....my being drunk did not do that but the situation did............my being drunk just made...
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I completely agree with you. I'm personally always trying to broaden my horizons and meet new people that are completely different from me, to just understand different points of view. But most people don't do that because it's a lot easier to stay in your comfort zone... Plus maybe they have a fear of the unknown. Good luck exploring! it's one of my hobbies smile

Sucks about the roommate not paying the bills though. I hate it when I do my part and others don't. Plus, having to live with your roommate whose actions kinda screw you over must really be irratating.

Cool about getting drunk though. As unpleasant as it could possibly feel the next day, and the silly situations you end up in while you're stumbling here and there, I think everyone should get drunk once in a while, just to remember why they shouldn't drink too much every weekend smile

hehe, i got so drunk the other day i actually passed out when i got home...i dont tend to drink these days so it was nice for a change - but i won't be doing it again in a hurry!

i hear you on the roomie, i've had some housemates from hell in the past - and it's really annoying when they don't pay their way...ESPECIALLY as mine used to take advantage and get expensive hair do's from me for next to nothing as well! mad

hehe, shouting at bums is always fun though! biggrin
hungover me ifeel somewhat woozy.......went to a couple different bars last night, drank a good bit of the fire water, 's fun but oh man, gotta sort out the money for the bills today, bills ruin my goddamn day i tell you, then its off to ho depot to get some shit for the apt. what fun, thankfully i just have to walk, i dont...
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Having to sort out bills after a night of drinking, I'd be worried that I'd spent the bill money on the fire water...
hola!! one of my scorpions (bill) bit me last night while i was getting photos taken of him , ted still wont let me pick her up......i really need to get my cat spayed, she is turning my roomate into a punk bitch, he locks her in the bathroom at night.....fucker..i definatly let her out every time and put her back in b4 he wakes...
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heya, thanks for commenting.

she's an albino corn snake - so is bright orange & yellow...hence the name Cheetara! I think theres a couple of piccies of her in my candids biggrin
no problemo - add away.

have you joined the Reptilia group? biggrin
i say bah! buh! bleh! people are trite and fake all the time and i just sit there, knowing things that i know seeing the things that i see, knowing full and well how things work, and still i give myself the stupid feeling of not giving up on humanity, granted there are definatly people in my life that i haven't given up on yet...
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Hey! Thank you, and thanks for stopping by. I would have sooner, but no thanks to this Mercury retrograde I haven't been able to access my journal.
Hehe, hi to you too!
skull olah compadres, i greet you in this grey sunday with some potatoe skins and some brazillian rum, hope that you have a great day b/c overcast days are the best!!! i love waking up to rain, looks like it might it might i hope so, that would also mean i dont have to go mow lawns today, muahhahaha, biggrin but i guess life will go on...
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I read your journal! :p

I acutally love grey overscast days too (but that' only if I don't have to go out.) it's the perfect time to stay in bed all day and be lazy biggrin

I like being out on rainy days too (but only on days I chose, coz rain can really be a pin in the ass)

Glad to make you happy! keep smiling! smile
music of the moment-static x- wisconsin death trip
feelings of the moment-happy and angry
probably a little bit hung over too

drank some vodka last night that i think actually had gone bad or something, god that was some potent shit

hope that everyone parties it up this weekend, adios skull
throw one back for a man named Sue.
i love the Cash man
you know im not too good at online ettiquette, i dont really like sending messages, but i want to talk to people but i have to send all these mess if i want people to read my journal and its so.......oh bother................................ i guess these things take time, i picked up my scorpions last night, well actually just one of them the other one, ted,...
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got some more shit for the scorpions yesterday, they seem like they have gooten bigger already, going to practice guitar in a little whil, hopefully i can stick with it for more than 45 min this time, then its off to the art projects, dumb art projects, but at least i get to paint i haven't painted for a while now, hope you dont trip...
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i say hello, and that i am tired, i guess i will go now, byeeeeeeeeeeee, shub
why do you type words that would sound like you are from the inner city (or a suburban white kid who wants to be a wrappah)? why? why?
have you ever felt as though you have left your life as too open of a book as you'd like to have??? well recently ive been thinking and though i reguard honesty as my one truth, ive been thinking more and more of keeping my opinion guarded, b/c not everyone can take it, i for one would rather aleways hear the blunt truth but too...
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