It's Friday. I'm tired. And a relaxing weekend is upon us. Still, phones calls to make, emails to send, and bbq to attend. Hopefully, I'll be ordering some parts and putting the bike back together soon. I hate not being able to ride and dread having to get the feel for it once put back together.

Ok, boss just walked in and "If you've got...
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Welcome to SG land.

S/ is sarcasm

There are a lot of apple nazis fanboys on SG. I am looking forward to swapping out my iPhone for a nice android phone (likely HTC) this winter. iPhones are good but over-rated and the locked up philosophy of apple sucks
Ah, figured as much. Thanks for clearing it up for me though. You're right. The iPhone was great, when it was released. Now Android is a much more innovative platform.
Ugh, I'm such a procrastinator. Still trying to fill out this profile, lots of stuff to do at work, and personal. Haha. It'll all get done, but it's like I get ferret shock when I see something shiny! Today was good though. Running around the site I found a post about the 16th Annual North Carolina Tattoo Convention. I've lived here 2002 and can't believe...
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Ok, so second day. Meant to make a post yesterday, but got side tracked with making a profile and what not. Yeah. Been a long time admirer of SG. A woman that can pull off tasteful tattoos and piercing is amazingly attractive to me. I guess that's kind of obvious why I'm here then. Haha. What's going on? Work. Never ceasing, always boring, yet still...
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Sorry to hear what happened with your bike...at least you didn't get serious injuries!
I like motorbikes too, I used to ride with my ex bf. My dream is learning to drive one on my own.

By the way, welcome to SG!
Check out the italian girls...I know I'm partial on this, but you won't be disappointed tongue
Thanks for the welcome! And no worries about the bike. It's the way of things. You should definitely learn to ride. It's so much better when you're not a passenger.