I just got done watching 30 days of night and it was pretty fucking badass.

This is the start of my book. Of course it needs a lot of cleaning up and expanding but its just a taste of it. Its going to be intensely crazy whenever I can finish it.

You could hear the crickets chirping in the grass. Silently barely moving a leaf...
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So, everythings going better now. I've distanced myself from that lady dramatically.

More so some of the issue was a little out of proportion considering my achilles heel when it comes to some relationships. My mom and I were extremely tight. We could seriously talk about anything, I had no problem whatsoever going to her with any issue I was having.

She passed away a...
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We need to catch up at some point. I just never ever go to NC anymore, 'cause it sucks there, and you know it. =P At least for me, since I barely have any friends there. Glad girl stuff has cleared up. I'm still Julia's friend on FB, apparently she's gone piercing craazy. I wish I had the money to do that shit. You should definitely tell us more about your novel! I want to read it when you finish!
well, the good news is i'm moving back to winston.
Ok so here I am. I don't feel like doing this on myspace because I don't know really want the person this is about reading this and I feel people here are much more honest

A while ago I met a girl, now I have no interest in dating this girl at this time whatsoever and never really have. Sure she and I share a...
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i love the criterion collection, too. biggrin
i'm sorry this girl is being a douchebag, but just remember that whole "burn me once, shame on you, burn me twice, shame on me" deal. don't let this fool burn you again.
hmmm i see what you're saying about this girl but i can ALSO see how she'd think you were sending mixed messages. if you tell her you guys shouldn't talk anymore, then you shouldn't talk anymore. the fact that you kinda came back later and instigated talking again is something people do when they are interested in a relationship. so yea, she probably assumed you wanted a relationship and got weirded out by it.

still not a reason for her to be bitchy to you, but as i said, she could be thinking the very same thing about you.

either way it's not worth your time. you let her get to the point where she thinks she can play with you.
Its days like these when I get treated by someone special to me like i don't exist that I feel the shittiest.

God I miss my mom. I don't care how lame it sounds.
Not lame smile
I don't think you sound lame either... sorry to hear you had a craptacular day (((hugs)))
You poop you never talk to me anymore!
Aww that's understandable dear. smile

Work is busy too! And school is crazy. Just started my second semester. It's pretty intense!

I'm loving the pics because you needed more! smile))
Ooh, sweet drawing.

I'll take your advice on the tea since I'm already an addict. I own several kinds at home and have four kinds at my dorm. Haha.

Not much is up for me, just got home for winter break.

How about you?
Well she's a dumb bitch. I work at Spencer's here in our mall and some guy came in and was talking to me. He wasn't even my friend and it's not like i wasn't doing what i was told to, she she flipped shit screaming how I always have people i know in the store and blah blah blah and went off on me so now i hate her and want a new job. She plays it off like I tell people to come in and see me and I don't. That pissed me off.
So its Dec. 1st. I already have half of my Christmas shopping down, friggin sweet.

I got cards, like mini ones for all my co-workers. Even the only one I don't like. I think this is going to be the best season since before my ma passed away. I know it won't be the same without my ma putting her magic touch on it, but...
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Disgaea and Mass Effect. All day. And some old school warcraft 3.
Haha, maybe I'll start getting more regular with posting on this thing soon.

Thanksgiving was decent. Spent it with my Pa. Super sick. Lazy. Slept a ton.

Works straight as usual. We're starting to get more busy the closer we get to Dec. I got my best bud a job there, and he seems to dig it, so thats dope. Hopefully they'll keep him on...
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Glad life seems to be going well for ya. Sorry I didn't get a chance to call when I was in town. I didn't have a car and was super busy because I was only there for 2 days. But I shall stop by next time I'm in town (maybe Christmas). You should post some of your drawings! I wanna seeeee. Love ya lots. <3
Its been a minute since I updated this bad boy.

I've been mega busy with work as usual, and catching up with the mountain of dvds, video games, and books I need to respectfully complete. As well as hanging around with my friends, I haven't had much time to or much to say worth posting something new.

I had an incident at work a few...
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I finally kicked the smoking habit!

Its been a month today actually.

Smoked for four years...and at least a pack a day for three of those years!

im sure you can do it.
Yea, I smoked reds for about...3 1/2 years. I had just switched over to lights about 6 months before I quit.

Good luck thoe!
So ya, I've been updating my page, and I figured I'd add one of these bad boys.

My name is Ryan. I'm a pretty laid back dude, but I get stressed about certain things pretty easy like most people I guess. I tend to take my job home with me so....ya that can suck sometimes. I work a lot, and when I'm not working, I'm...
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hello :]
You need a new blog for me to spam random shit into.