ahhh, the joys of driving on the open road for hours on end, with a destination in mind or the one that you just happen upon from the combination of the meanderings through the mind and where the road takes you


bambi jumps from out of nowhere and decides that it'd like a ride right NOW...fuuck

my car can beat up your car, cause...
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sorry about bambi messing with your car.. (although i have been snacking on deer jerky all day.. so maybe that will make you feel better?? ehheee)... LOVE the profile pic btw
aye, thanky, i hope to eventually get off my lazy and very uncreative ass and make some alterations to the drawring but...yea

mmmm deer jerky smile
another day, another year and the only thing certain is craziness and change...i say, bring on the bad and hopefully i'll get some good along the way, but all in all moving forwards...i think

anywho..happy new years an all that stuff
After the holidays and an interesting weekend of running into people i hadn't seen in years and dealing with their stuff again, i'm ready to drink whats left my memory of '03 and before into oblivion.

with what seems to be another mild winter, i'm thinking of going down to red river gorge or over to hocking hills for a weekend of relax'n in the...
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Went out last night and saw some bands with the local SG, played some pool and lost, but altogether had a good time. Stayed up way late and slept in late...sleep goood biggrin. Went out climbing with a buddy from Columbus and ended up getting a call right as we're leaving from a real old friend of mine who is in town visiting from NY,...
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hey.. it was great meeting you! which we could have chatted more.. we so should all hang out sometime smile
ahh, staying up way to early
is way too much fun!