From cattleya


Wanted to stop by to say hello and thanks for following me. I hope you enjoy my pictures and posts! 😘 

You are soooooo beautiful!!!
Aw thank you! 😙 

From kaicito


Hope you're doing well in your remote cloister!

hey Kaicito!! You know, this place surecould use  some of your recipies haha Sone days time dragsand others go by fast..I will survive though :)

I never noticed this but we are the same age. Hehe.

haha!! Do you enjoy being 37? Do you dread that 40 is just around the corner? I kinda don't realize that I actually am approaching 40 so I'm not sure how to answer my own question hahaha
Haha. I don't really notice most of the time. I do worry about it sometimes though. I guess I don't party as much as my younger days. Only difference really. :)

Hey bro, just checkin on you. Hope things are well in your neck of the woods.

same ol same ol my friend. How's by you?
Good. Just on a break from work. Got to go back in a few hours.