There are occasions when I think my writing makes me out to be at least a mild jackass, though I don’t think I’m being immodest when I say that I don’t think there’s anyone who knows me who would describe me as such.

I just get a wild hair, and then that coupled with being dead center in the middle of the workweek, results in...
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It seems I’ve cut way down on the amount of alcohol I used to imbibe almost without realizing it. I don’t party at friends’ places as much as I used to, not as part of a conscious effort, but rather a kind of natural progression toward simply getting more stuff done. But also, I’ll admit I’m not the most tolerant guy on the face of...
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I was admiring the box art for an old copy of Skinny Puppy’s “Too Dark Park” this morning, just examining for the umpteenth time all of the exquisite beasts, demons, and devils that a man named Jim Cummins, a.k.a. I, Braineater --https://www.facebook.com/jimcum -- created for the band almost twenty five years ago now.

And it’s a sizeable excerpt from the full painting, considering the...
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i love skinny puppy! and amazing track this one!

Somebody's touchy!

Well, shit. Don’t even think of just turning your phone on if Curtis Reeves’ in the theater with you. There’s probably not much chance of that now, but think how many fellow moviegoers likely narrowly escaped with their lives before Monday.

Ya know, some folks who know me know that I’m not a huge fan of people using their phones (or being otherwise...
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...I think I do, and I think that’s the problem. For I suddenly find myself with a dead or nearly dead hard drive chock full of unbackedup data being operated on by a crack team of tech-heads in up in Miramar.

And that’s my fault there; I just suck at keeping a regular backup schedule.

But these guys are apparently very, very good. It’s San...
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More of the same this evening: fun with snakes. I got both my female and male each a large domed structure for Xmas that they apparently positively love now. Neither of them had a hiding place that had just one opening before, and that seems to make all the difference to a snake. To Royal Pythons, at least.

I don’t think I’ve ever achieved so...
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After caring for my dear serpents for over two hours straight tonight, I think I’m going to let someone else write tonight’s digital dirge.

“Man lives in the sunlit world of what he believes to be reality.


There is -- unseen by most -- an underworld.

A place that is just as real, but not as brightly lit...

A dark side.”

Warms my heart...
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I spent about an hour on Facebook this evening digging for what I’d consider to be appropriate privacy settings for the stuff I write on there. (Which, in most cases, is an at-most slightly modified version of what I write on here.) However, it doesn’t seem that what I need exists, so it looks like I’ll just have to continue to have everything I post...
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Holy shit on a shingle, I guess this answers the question I was brooding over last night. That is, how do contemporary hardcore metal bands even try to play the kind of mind-splattering riffs they pull off? Now, I'm a drummer, but far from great one. This kid though, this one-time drummer for Job For A Cowboy... I don't know what to call him. He's...
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Seriously, does that at least happen on occasion? I’m exaggerating of course, but I was looking so much forward to giving Rå his Xmas present tonight in the form of a new reptile cave. Then I pick through the endless packaging and find there’s a huge chip out of it. Obviously, like everything else, if you want it done right…

Too damned busy to spend...
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Hello, new SG site! (New to me, anyway.) With only half an hour left in the first day of the new year, once again I'm trying to start a regular blog and keep consistently posting every day. I've tried this many times before and always fail, so I'm wondering what it would be like to succeed this time. I'm really hoping it'll not end up...
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[ Now playing in Demon Tribe Hollow...
Composition: Play In The Summer
Author: Trans Am
Codex: Red Line ]

Great weekend, though of course it went by far too quickly. Ive barely spent any time in front of a computer over the past two days, which is very unlike me. Its healthy, though, not having...
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Hey man how have you been? It's been a while shocked