I ache all over from playing Ultimate Frisbee... but you know what?

It was fucking FUN... and I wanna do it more.
Too bad I don't drive or have many friends around here.
I mean, I have friends... just none that are really physically active.
I guess the pain means I should be more active too, huh?

I came up with this new saying......
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So, yes...
Things are.... things.
I'm trying to save and move and... god it's tough.
Not to mention my job situation... I mean, I don't want to leave the people I'm working with NOW to go to a bunch of people I know, but don't feel as connected to.
It's weird.

I get to see the Eels on Saturday and a friend I haven't seen...
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you should keep up the drawing, because you really are quite good...

and I don't think you made it out to the hawksley show on saturday, but it was incredible, 4 encores.
perhaps you can make it out next time smile

So, my birthday was not as bad as I thought it would be.

Dad gave me the "You'll never make it on your own" speech...

Been working lots at a new locale and, well... I like it there.

But yeah... nothing really new to report.
I have the urge to draw Aquaman.
good luck with the move man, you wont regret it.
So yes... this summer, there are plans.
OH... there are PLANS...

Basically, I'm gonna move down to Toronto.
Yep, move down to "the City"..
And eventually, maybe I'll even attend OCAD, if I get accepted and such.
But I'll probably get a cliche job like Starbucks whore or Chapters/Indigo Slut... who knows?

I've been looking at apartments and sure, I'll be paying triple what I...
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cool, well if i escape this shithole in BC that seems to be going bust ill be seeing you biggrin
Viiolent Femmes show... rocked so much.
The opening act, a poet named Shane Koyczan, ruled beyond belief. Seriously, go buy his book.
I bought "Silent Bob Speaks" and I'm almost done it...
I guess it goes to show that if you put a bunch of essays, and not make it a continuing story, I'll devour it.
Hell, I devoured "Everything's Eventual" and "I Am Legend"......
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Yey, I am glad you had fun smile
kevin smith rules
you know what blows?
I was going to see Violent Femmes tomorrow with someone... but they got sick...
Now I have a spare ticket... :/

At least Philly was nice.
Going to Philadelphia in a week... hooray!
I've been beating Resident Evil 4 like gangbusters...
I'm hungry....
And currently I'm reading "Camp Concentration" by Thomas M. Disch.... good stuff so far, but I may have to go back to reading "Superheroes and Philosophy"...
I think I'mma call for pizza or go out for some food...
*does the iPod dance*
30 iPod Video, white... makes me happy.
Going to Philly in like... a week and a half.. so excited...
God I'm horny...
I want a big ipod frown lucky.
If I have to spend 3 hours in Bass Pro Shops again... I will kill.

At least I got wicked new sleep pants and looked into getting a vespa.