looooooong time no post.... i'm still alive! enjoying the new house.
so whats new?
i'm going on a family vaca on sun to fla. which i'm excited about, its been a year since my last vaca. and lately i have been def needed it. also i got a scooter finally. and have been scoot scottin all over the place. only prob is thee speedometer doesnt...
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have fun on vacation and good luck quitting smoking. you could do it!!! smile
so we are moved into the new place. and 1 of our roommates moved in sun. i think the rest are in at the end of the week. its pretty good. we got of our shit unpacked. still some minor little things left to unpack. our art/music room is pretty much all put together. and so are both living rooms. and we worked on the...
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thats awesome youre so close to your work. congratulations on the move. it sounds like a nice place smile
we should hang out this summer. yeah we are still at the same place. are you guys so pumped to be back in town??
so we are moving in a week and have some boxes packed (kitchen, books, movies, other shit) i am so tired of moving. i can't wait to be in the new house. i hate packing
where are you moving to?
so why does this new set-up not let me tag sets (say s i need to be active for 9 months) i have been active since oct of 2002.... and why can i see my group photos (says i need to be a member) been a member since oct 2002?
they are called:

BUGS! i am sure you have heard of them. this just wasnt beta tested i dont think...meh...they will fix them. and if you want to go to your groups...click on the groups on the top of the page, inbetween boards and army...that should work. that is what i have to do for mine...since apperently mine are for friends only, and i guess i am not a friend of myself...aww...i though i liked me, i guess i have to talk to me...i must be stabbing myself in the back...

ok, i am done now. kiss
nice place .. i'm moving too
ooooh... four bedrooms... yard... sounds familiar... wink
of course, the yard probably isn't full of rotting mattresses and rusting bicycles either.
Good luck, place looks nice!
our landlord is stopping by sunday to show the house, and we aren't done cleaning... kinda sucks. We are gonna have to work our lil butts off on sat. we got like 75% of down Stairs clean and 50% of up stairs so im hoping it wont be to bad. plus we are looking to move back to portsmouth. so im excited about that.!
good luck with the cleaning/moving. smile
all but one dread ius otu. my hair and head feels great! it took us about a week to get them out. and it fucking sucked. any who when i get pic of it ill post em
freedom!!!! smile smile smile i imagine washing your hair probably felt great, actually touching your scalp.
so after having my dreads in for 3 months im in the process of taking them out. (combing) they were great but just got on my nerves. i got a feeling its gonna take a long time to get them out. if anyone has any pointers they would be greatly appreciated. Only think i don't want to do is cut it off. i like the...
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i will have to ask my friend what she did next time i see her. probably will be either thursday or saturday. she had dreads down to her butt and now has a regular straight hair. she didnt cut too much off so i will see if there is some special trick she used or something and let you know. smile
just do what you did to dread them, except backwards.

start at the bottom and comb out with a metal comb. I used some cheap conditioner and it seemed to help. mine still took quite a few hours, but knots go in easier than they come out, eh? good luck. smile
he looks smart smile
Well there is a new edition to the house, well kinda new, its my cat that i got from friday a few years back. He was living with my parents once i moved outta home. but my parnets couldn't deal with his "issues" (marking) so they told me that he had to go. so now he *side note buster wont stop farting* is living in...
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happy birthday!!!!!!


ahhahahah i love it!