SO, I woke up yesterday morning at 6:00 am and drove on down to the personnel department for the City of Los Angeles, and had my interview. after about twenty to twnty five minutes, I was through. twenty minutes later, I was handed a small card, walked down to room 150, and was handed a packet. and then told, congratulations, you have moved on to...
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I shaved my head!

yeah, it is amazing. coop took pics, I have to get them, and he will post later.

my interview for LAFD is next monday...moving fast. Now off to the beach.
happy days.
my best friends girl left last night, moving back to maryland. fun party and all but what a sad ending. Now it's time to do laundry and go to work...something to get my mind off of it.

might have time for a bike ride before work...woot! ARRR!!!
so i have worked approximatley for approximatley forty hours over the past four das, including closing and opening back to back...i have work today, but i am soo gooing to the beach first...bocce ball for the win.

I am working tonight, there are no events in the lounge, I am thinking of showing star trek V in the back, just for a goof off good...
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I passed my LA City Firefighter written exam, now i have the interview on June 4th!
I pass that I go to rookie school!!!!!!

I am so terribly excited.

I chop off all of my hair in a couple of weeks. (regulatins state no hair touching the ears.)
alright I have a shit ton to do, I am off. biggrin biggrin biggrin
so! waiting for My LAFD response, and am in texas visiting my uncle.
I am here at the lone star roundup, a bitchin car show and hot rod culture event. calling it an early night though, too tired for anything else.

ooh, ooh, update on social life. I asked this girl out and she said yes! I was thinking "fucking sweet, guess I am getting...
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I want to put together an SG heal the bay beach day...I am gonna find out howw to do that.
gonna go for a run and to the beach... then fax in my cpat...lafd is accepting applications! woohoo!
early morning, i was sick the past two days...
much better now.
watching saved by the bell, listening to Israel Kamakawiwo's cover of over the rainbow/what a wonderful world.

gonna be a great day, I am dming th d-10 mage game for a group of young high school kids, it is sofaking cool.
we are using awakening/world of darkness, and i threw in VTR and...
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fuck, buncha shit has happened...I passed my CPAT and am now applying to fire departments for academy.
still have my hair, we opened the new coffee shop, and i started surfing again (thank god).

have a new cat, cause the assholes who live behind the coffe shop did not like him, and i am tired as all shit.

my birthday is soon, and i am...
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bos was a dick, missed my cpat.

how much fun is that?

it's ok, i worked out that night ten times what the cpat could have given me, i won't miss the next one.

well, turns out the girl i am falling for needs a friend more than a boyfriend so guess what?
yep, that's right.

for the first time I am ok with...
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Happy Holidays!!! kiss kiss kiss
alright then, cpat on saturday, woot!
first condensed physical agility test for the los angeles county fire department.

so on my way to the gas station this morning my car ran out of gas,

three blocks away. a cabbie stopped and said "get off fucking road, get it together, get your shit together!"

i wanted to hit him with a sword...god, i figured i was...
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just realized i referred top god a shitload in that blog...kinda weird, dunno why.

not all that religious or anything, but i guess as just a frame of refference?

anyway, enough of that, if you don't like god, replace it with bhuddah, or anything else you want, god just came up in the expressions that's all.

fuuck! talk about OCD>
hehe, tired, but this really made me trip.
laugh, cause it is funny.
I swear that is the speech i am going to give to my lil bro.