great christmas, everyone was out of town so it was just me and my girl... love the fam but it was nice not to have to be in one state in the morning and another in the evening. Wishing everyone well, have a beautiful, shiny new year.

and if not, melancholy always feels good around the holidays doesn't it. wink
burnt... hey what happened to the happiness of life being doing what you love. when did this whole money thing get into the equation. i thought the point was to be a starving artist. why do i catch myself wanting to eat... what the fuck? mad

fuck! shocked
woot! dancing and painting sounds fun!!! yeah money sucks.
fuck money

I always say that money isnt everything, but it sure fuckng helps make life a lot easier.
funny how exhausted you can get from living. just went to the dentist and got drilled. everything is numb and i can't eat anything. kinda sucks.

been busy with a couple lighting design gigs and a some photo shoots as well. still wish i was getting more work on that end. all in good time i guess.

been playing some mahjong online again. getting a...
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life has me fucking exhausted all the time, so I feel ya
sorry, i've been out of it. lots of work. not enough time. finally ran out of space in all my drives and had to get another. its got a terabyte. call me a geek but its kinda hot. its amazing how much data you have to sift through doing photography. nuff for now more later.
I like geeks smile
burnt and tired. ever notice how when things come they come all at once? just tired of scheduling stuff into the cracks.

"My life was
lunacy until
this moonlit night"

-Tokugen, Japanese Death Poems.

My haiku
was never this cool.
Sitll isn't.

man, nobody writes death poems like the japanese. i gotta get that book!
that is a great haiku. so is yours! ;D
watchin' happy tree friends, oh yeah.

don't want to go to work tomorrow. i am so behind in life, someone help!
well there was a wee bit of preparation for anchors away wink
i know this certifies me as a geek, but poor Dr. Who, always leaves but never gets to leave with the girl... whats the point?... and he's got a fuckin time machine. can't he just go back and get her?

on another note, faster pussycat, kill, kill. funny, all he had to do was drive away.

maybe doing some directing again, miss it. realized how...
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watched a rerun of william shatner's roast. like him in boston legal alot. but i kinda miss good old captain kirk... maybe it was just the green dancing girl i miss... not i think its kirk.
yeah that roast was fucking awsome. shatner forever! thanks for the sweet comment about my set
i know war existed long before guns and that i am sure we will keep finding more efficient ways of killing each other, but pulling the trigger just way to easy for some people. i guess in the end the real problem are the people ordering the trigger to be pulled.
"Bury me when I die
beneath a wine barrel
in a tavern.
With luck
the cask will leak."

- Moriya Sen'an (1838)
from Japanese Death Poems

not japanese, not dead or dying (i guess we all are dying slowly), but its a cool idea. must make sure to have brush and paper nearby when i die.
That is an awesome poem. Reading poetry like that is like spying someone 100 yards above you climbing a mountain, and not being sure how they got there.
Thanks smile unfortunately it's not a film project but should be just as good. You'll have to wait and see wink