So, I will be very forthcoming and admit that I deal with anxiety and depression. Both have always been there, but the past couple years have been worse (cancer treatment, returning to work afterwards, day to day stress of my demanding job) on my brain. I have friends and people I trust with everything who always help me through, and on bad days, like today,...
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Losing myself in hobbies provide some temporary relief.
Social media is what I have. After working constantly from 1985 until 2006, I had a meltdown, and stopped working, and now hide in my bedroom in my 3 room apartment. From 1998 until 2006 I lived and "performed" at Walt Disney World as a singing, joke telling bus driver. I rarely left property, as I lived there too. Upon returning to my native Baltimore I became homeless and than found housing. At first I wrote my own memoirs and poetry of my experiences, but now my much needed medication pretty much kills all my creativity. So now I cope by following my friends via facebook. On months that I can afford it here on SG. I still struggle daily, rarely venture out. I have a rescue cat who helps greatly. Reading your blogs Sally I see you are a fighter. Crohn's, and cancer will not beat you.