So I am back from SantaCon. Had a blast! Started out at Grand Central with about 250 of the strangest Santas you ever saw. Lets see: Satan Santa, Elvis Santa, Pimp Santa, all kinds of naughty Mrs' Santas, lots of Santa's Ho, Ho, Ho's (for the Santa Pimp I guess) lol, Mardi Gras Santa, Pirate Santa, 99 cent Santa, Tranni Santi, in short a veritable...
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What kind of Santa were you?

That sounds fabulously... weird. Actually, it sounds so weird it kind of goes round in a circle back to normal.

Sigh... I want to go back to NY. It seems that the L.A. crazies are scary-crazy, not kooky-crazy.
Wow! Those pictures are SO awesome! LOL!
So next week is finals. Actually had my physics final today and felt pretty good about it. It took me a semester but I finally started to get hang of it. And now its over! lol

Going to Santarchy tommorrow.
I even bought a nice Santa suit to going running aroung the town in tommorrow.

Here is a pic

saved on photo site

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haha. That santa thing looks like fun!

I think I would freak out if I saw a bunch of santa's on swings! I would leave the park. haha. No, probably not. I would want to take pictures though.

Your picture isn't coming up for me. How do you put a picture in anyway? I am clueless?

Have fun tomorrow. Looks like good times!!!
no, i don't have a santa suit. and i was mostly kidding. might be an interesting thing to take pictures of. hmm.

yeah, never mind.

So I go to the Danesh Museum of Art for a Magic Lantern show. Takes an hour to get there in the snow. Its somewhere on Madson near 57th. No show! I had misread the flyer and got the wrong weekend.

Decide to check out "First Night" at the Brooklyn Museum of Art, the first Sat of the Month is free, with talks, movies, and...
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Hey, thanks for the recommendations. Unfortunately, I'm headed back to Portland, OR on the 20th. I hope it's s good time, and thanks for the heads up. And are you currently taking dance lessons? Becuase I frikin' love that stuff. Where would you take lessons?
you are resiliant and optimistic and persistant. i like that smile
the thing a/b this book i 'm reading - Under the Banner of Heaven - is that there are these large communities of fundamentalists practicing polygamy - BREAKING THE LAW right under the nose of the US government - and nobody is doing anything a/b it! i mean, in theese communities that are 99.9% fundamentalist there is no TV, no books or movies or magazines are allowed unless they are mormon, girls are being pulled out of school at the age of 12 and married off at the age of 14 to men at least twice their age. they have no idea of their rights or what life is like outside their communities. and there is no one to turn to! women are property. all authority figures are men and they are all polygamists themselves. the girls who rebel are told that if they don't do what they're told they are damning not only themselves, but their entire families to hell. it's disgusting, and no one does anything a/b it! is this America or not?
but on a happier note, our current book for the book club is Memoires of a Geisha - a really beautiful book to read. and next is East of Eden, which i've never read. so that's what i'm looking forward to.
happy dancing.
happy reading.
Just went to a great Birthday party at Sunnys in Red Hook. Well worth the trip. Had to take a bus to get there, but great conversation, shellfish, and dancing made it all worth while.

Saw a girl I like there, had called her earlier in the week, no response, and tonight she said "Oh I have been so busy..." Feels like a standard brush...
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I don't WANT to be punished! Punishment is for something I do wrong - like not finishing this paper! Some little subs enjoy their punishment and disobey so they can get it - but i'm not like that - I'm a good little obedient slave biggrin
Sounds like you're keeping busy! I'll put in a word for you for SGNY - we're good folks!
Well, I have finally put up a profile pic! I finally feel like I have said so much on the boards, that putting up my pic is much less potentially embarrising! lol I had to crop it in "paint" and could not get the whole pic to resize, hence the strange cropping

Yes I just used the word hence in a sentence, sue me! Even...
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Henceforth, no longer use the word "hence", okay?
blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test blah blad test test
The Left Coast was great! I got to swim in the Pacific with my favorite lab Dotty and run on the Beach. Almost did not come home, but life must go on!

Thursday was T Day with the brother, sister in law and nephew along with my 2 favorite cousins. No fighting, no arrests, no tearful arguments; it almost did not seem like a regular...
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LOL! That's funny. When my cousin saw my website, she also compared it to a department store!
Yes, actually they get along great. The Mastiff (Tibetan mastiff) is older & most definitely the alpha - the pug is younger & concedes to the bigger, older, smarter dog. But the pug gets his desserts too, believe me!
Off to Socal for the Thaksgiving thing. Get to see my 1 year old nephew! He rocks!

Back on monday, but will check in along the way.

A little nervous about Long Beach. Seeing an old not quite flame and not sure what to expect. Tension stomach rocks!

Any education types out there. Back in school for a degree to teach and a bit overwhelmed...
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Hi there. Thank you for the email. It is always appreciated. I hope that you are having fun. Seems like things are goin' good for you down here so far. lol. f&z

P.S. Lemme' know when ya' get back. biggrin
O.K. Now we really gotta' talk! hehe.
Just spent the weekend in Albany with my Uncle. Great guy, beat stage 4 cancer like a pro. Former Marine turned radical lawyer turned electrical contractor. Just the best really.

Albany is great. Saw Rebbeca who sings at "Bob" on the Lower East Side. Cannot wait to go.

"Savannah" rocks in Albany. A mixed age crowd, which means I don't feel like a child molester...
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kinnok? Canuck would be the spelling. It's not offensive, we tend to have a good sense of humor and to be self-derisive. How many other countries have politicians that would not mind being interviewed, on national TV, by a humorist out to humiliate him? Here, it's a good career move...

Short of outright insult or racist intent, I can't think of many offensive nick names either for americans or used by americans.

I don't have a "typical" french canadian phrase that I can tell you, I could translate almost anything to joual however.

Went to a symposium on copyrights and the internet. There are a number of new standards, including Common Copyright, which allow artists to "share" their work, without losing total control. Great concept and wonderful for spreading new ideas and getting your product out. I esp like the idea of giving away the product, but charging for updates and customer support. Gets the work out,...
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Yeah the "on my cock" thing was a new game I came up with this weekend. I thought it would be funny to confuse everyone for awhile. I think I will post the explination later.

Um what else was I s'posed to say. Oh yeah,t he corset. I think I am going to have to have my boyfriend take a picture of my in my corset this week. just have to figure out the best way to take the picture so it will look nice in the weird-shaped profile pic window.

I was just noticing your profile thingy.. did you see a live performance of CreMaster? I saw one of them (#3 maybe) on DVD. Some wacky shit, man. I love all that kind of crap.

is it just me, or did my last post show up like it was written as lines of poetry?
Taxicab confession ROCKS! Watching a piece from 2002 and the drama is better than any reality show or scripted drama out there. Las Vegas Rocks!

Well maybe West Wing, but that show is damn good!

Called my current crush. Have not had a crush in at least a year! No call back yet, crushes are great but they suck at the same time. Why is...
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I thought you might like this joke that was in Nofootedcancan's journal (I think he got it from EVIL). It reminds me of your joke style. hehe.

The Mother Superior in the convent school was chatting with her
young charges and she asked them what they wanted to be when they grew
A twelve-year-old said, "I want to be a prostitute."
The Mother Superior fainted dead away on the spot. When they
revived her, she raised her head from the ground and gasped, "What---did-
The young girl shrugged. "I said I want to be a prostitute."
"A prostitute!" the Mother Superior said, "Oh, praise sweet Jesus!
That's wonderful, dear. And I thought you said you wanted to be a

Hey, I saw you in echo's journal. hehe. You are too cute.

I am gonna' get ready now for what may be the single most nerve racking (but also hopefully greatest) event in my life. hehe.

Talks soon. f&z
Stood in line for 5 hours for the Producers. Never even got near the front. Only people who got there at midnight had a chance. Three tellers for 5000 people in line. And the midnight folks were all stand ins for scalpers! arrgh

Big Apple Ranch was great last night. Dancing is the best. And this crowd knows how to have a good time.

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hey man just wanted to let you know I appreciate the encouragement and warm words. Thanx.
Most cemeteries have a "ridged bottomed container" rule, so you'd have a problem being buried w/o a casket. I plan on taking a walk into the Adirondacks when it's time to go. Hopefully it'll happen that way for me AND for the lucky scavengers. I've told my next of kin not to identify me if they get a call from the morgue. That way they'll send me to Potter's Field. (more about that at bbqpope)
So I went to the IKEA in NJ via the free bus from Port Authority. What a great zoo! I thought I was immune to crowds, but the crowds at IKEA but me to the test. Looking for a new Kitchen table. I lust after more space in my kitchen.

Going to the Big Apple Ranch country and western dance with my gay friends. I...
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Oh, I just added you to my friends list. I thought I had already done that. biggrin
i love ikea
my apt is mucho ikea
the g&s was HORRIBLE, no joke. i slept through the second act.
producers...doesn't interest me.
swimming: cause my body looks better when i do it.