Well things are a lil better other than the lack of sleep and not able to eat much because of my nerves frown My daughter is my world and when someone threatens her the indain in me comes out! Thanks for the comments everyone this week they def made me feel better. I want to also thank everyone for the guidence and feedback on my practice...
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Hug, I don't blame you for being so upset. You're a great Mom! smile
Ive had a horrible day!!! Some jackass asshole was messing with me and my 10 yearold daughter upset her really bad, had to call the pd and do all that shit plus really wanted to kill him! I swear its freaking monday either that or hell tuesday! I am just sick and I could vent and vent but im sure no one wants to hear...
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Hug, thank you...hope that person lives you alone. smile
Hey hun.. I wanted to come by and tell you that I thought you were really pretty.. However, you shouldn't tan.. you're going to ruin all those tattoos. The one on your lower back is already starting to fade and bleed in a bad way. Not to mention how leather-y it makes your skin.
If you simply must have that "I live at the beach" look, there are plenty of fake tan lotions that don't make you look all orange-y.
You should join this group, there are a lot of tips that will help you out.

Good luck!
I hope everyone had a good weekend! Mine was not that good, been plaqued with miigraines over the past 5 days and I think some of that is the heat n stress. I am getting married august 16th so AI am doing much wedding plans. Its coming up so quick. I got my dress and the wedding part is pretty much taken care of but...
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Im taking a trip to the lake today, I wont be back till later tonight. Got the pool done smile finally. My set is still pending review but I have my fingers crossed. I will talk to everyone later tonight. Off to the lake with my fiance and my daughter smile Take care love
Have a great weekend biggrin
Hello Everyone, So its Friday and it seems like Monday!! I am having pool issues so after a trip to lowes and 10 sand bags I think it is level now smile, or atl least I hope. I am just chillin today with my fiance and my daughter. Not too much going on, but thinking of ideas for a new set. Hope everyone has a...
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