Since I last posted I've been biggrin mad love mad frown

biggrin: So right after being made a Gypsy Queen, a B movie Horror studio contacts me to see if I'd like to become a Sinema Siren, which entails having pics on their site & going out to promote the films at conventions & film festivals. Once they realized I was an actress before I ever started modeling they said...
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busy girl! huggzz .... congrats!!

they are Ex's for a reason eh? lol blah

I agree with Larianna don't deny yourself .. just dun go crazy (and I know how hard that is.. been there..)

yes.. i lost my daughter.. my first child when I was 7 months pregnant. I had so many problems n there just wasn't anything they could do.. but I did get to hold her n say goodbye. I got to keep the clothes they dressed her in.. Some people couldn't handle that but it helps me.. not as strong as I wish I could be.. I get down right emotional at times..but most women have those moments eh?

smooch.. ~ shay
Rowan, 16 years ago my BF died unexpectedly at the age of 19. from natural causes?
I still relieve the day he died and every year on that day I visit his grave. I loved him like crazy and to this day miss him. I belive that he has had some hand in the way my life turned out. Through his death I meet and married my husband and my second daughter was born on his birthday. I feel him with me time to time and he had helped me through some of my troubles. I know how bittersweet remembering can be.

Congrats on the Sinema Siren, wish I could be of help with the diet, but I always say yes to the cookie!!

I'm pretty psyched. I just became a Gypsy Queen! Whats a Gypsy Queen you ask? It's part tattoo modeling part promotional work. You go to the tattoo conventions to represent the shop. They randomly select girls to be inked for free for shows, contests & photo spreads (no nudity woohoo). Hotrod shows, bike rallys, bar & club openings, all that crazy fun stuff. My Gypsy...
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Man that sounds like loads of fun. What a great gig. Hi btw!!
ok, not enough people active in the UpstateSGNY Group for my liking so i'm going around letting people know that there are new members to the group who would feel more welcome if they actually got a few "welcomes."

also, i'm trying to get a darien lake event around for end of aug/beginning of sept possibly. check out the thread in the group for more info and let me know what you think.

your new (slightly pushier, but well intended) group owner biggrin

So a somewhat interesting weekend. I was originally supposed to go out with my friend Phil, who is the drummer of Dry Kill Logic (if you don't know them shame on you youre missing out) but he had a change of plans. Then I was going to hang with my new friend X143X but that fell through. So I thought I'd go see T but...
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Dear God!
What is wrong with this world?
How you doing? I am still job hunting I might have something for Monday.
Any of you lovely friends of mine been to Amsterdam? If you have I'd appreciate any info on the best areas to frequent, lodge or smoke (yay! it's legal there). Things you think I'd be interested in seeing that arent usual tourist attractions.

I'm finally trying to get everyone added to my myspace page. I'm only two pages into my friends here so if I've...
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ask Sjanett, she lives an hour away, and I know she'll be glad to give you all info you need smile

I'll be there in three weeks, so if you are back from then, tell me were should I go. Sometimes it's good to have the point of view of someone who visits a city for the first time!! wink
aaww, come on I love the summer. smile
I am Laura's deflated heart

4 days no call. Either he's upset with me or really pissed & doesnt want to bother with me anymore. I wish I'd never opened my big mouth. Thats my problem, I can never leave well enough alone.

Update: 30 minutes after I posted he called like nothing ever happened. He said everything is fine between us & to start...
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enjoy now for what it is...it doesn't last forever,

i'm so deep tongue
I'm sorry hon! Just let me know if there's anything I can do for you! kiss kiss
I'm feeling really down today. someone just give me some love frown frown frown frown

Added 11:15pm anyone have room in their bed for me to cry myself to sleep. I just finished a really heartbreaking conversation with T which ended in me telling him I dont want to see him anymore. But I do, & it's killing me. Apparently my feelings for him are stronger than his for...
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right back at ya...how you feelin now? any better?
u are a very big turn on. get at me so we can talk sometime.
Body: High School: Cardinal Spellman yes I was a Catholic school girl skirt & all
Elementary School: St Benedicts
Favorite soda: diet pepsi
Favorite singer: jonathan davis
Favorite animal: cat
Favorite fruit: watermelon
Favorite weather: fall, light jacket weather

Do You:
Have a girlfriend/boyfriend: no
Like someone: yes
Want more piercings: yes
Want a tattoo: want more tattoos
Last: Person talked to in person: my...
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I will read it all, I promice....just had to say: Catholic School.... hehe yeah. wink

k, sorry. smile
I gave up reading at "Want a tattoo"...
So 4th of July was a good time. Got to spend some much needed alone time with T before & after the BBQ. Met his friends who were very nice & made me feel very comfortable (all that anxiety for nothing), & we ended the evening watching the fireworks on TV at his place.

Has anyone caught the new Rockstar Tommy Lee project? I'm already...
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Thank you so much!
Sounds like you had a great 4th of July! smile

I was on a plane flying to Boston on the 4th, but it wasn't all that bad. I must say it is pretty amazing to see fireworks from thousands of feet up in the air! biggrin

Oh, and before I forget, thank you so much for the birthday wishes! I had a wonderful day! kiss
Went to get a new tattoo today directly below my neck, something old school like a horse shoe with a banner saying Lucky. I'm at that point now where I really HAVE to get tattooed. I need the pain as an escape from all the things bothering me big & small. At least I would have a good 3 hrs where I'm focusing on physical...
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I hope you get your tattoo sometime this week. smile
I don't mind meeting new people if I think they'll be cool. Like meeting people from SG. But for some reason going to something like a neighborhood bbq where everyone is in their mid-forties and has kids and goes to church freaks me out. I hate it, it makes me nervous for some reason, and I can't think of anything to talk about.

I heard about that Rockstar show but haven't seen it. Is it on ABC like it was last year?
You know that feeling... where you need the pain, the physicality of it? I get that too, with needing the pain. Pain with sex, sex and pain. And it's like an addiction. The last time I was in a relationship like that I felt very safe and I was craving the pain... wanting more and wishing that I didn't have to be so far away from the source of it. I can imagine tattoos being that pleasurable, in a way and it's too bad that your psych. doesn't get that.
By the way, I love accoustic set. Also, what did you get at Torrid? LOVE that store. Things can be expensive but they are often original and fun.
Hope your 4th went well sweetie.
I HATE this fucking day! It started with my crazy aunt calling. She's in hysterics one minute, sobbing uncontrolably, telling me all her problems, then literally she takes a breath & says all cheery happy bday! what the fuck! That is so insane. And this was at 9am. What does the rest of this day have in store for me? I wish I could stay...
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Thanks for the happy birthday. smile Hope you have a good one as well.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY sexciiii! ( sorry I'm late frown )
Hope it got better for you hun.
kiss smile kiss smile
So I'm feeling much better than the last time I posted. I swear sugar is evil. I've cut my sugar intake drasticly & started taking vitamins & although it's only been a few days I already feel like I have more energy. I'm forcing myself to eat a high protien breakfast (I hate breakfast) & eating smaller more frequent meals throughout the day. Speaking of...
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I think I've upped the sugar in my diet! I've become addicted to Mayfield's Strawberry Shortcake icecream biggrin

That, and constant sweet, iced tea. My blood is syrup! surreal biggrin surreal

That salad sounds tasty though...

Me? I'm doing good, actually. A little melancholy, but by no means depressed. Spending alot of time painting and reading... staying busy.

Ya know, the closer to 40 I get, the better I feel. I let my 20's suck, my 30's have been about growth and change, and my 40's will be where my life really kicks in. I'm happy to be alive and excited to be going forward.

And no, you don't look like you're 35! I'd have said mid-twenties...
ty for your comment hunni.. I'm sorry that I have been so bitchy lately with my posts.. honestly I have been in a daze. It was good to get my feelings out..
I'm glad that you are feeling better. Is also good to hear that you are taking better care of yourself. Your beautiful the way you are.. but keeping yourself healthy will keep you around alot longer to take care of those wonderful kids. I have to say I have to agree with billyfivecrows my blood is probably syrup too..lol In the south sweet tea is all you drink.. n sweets are so muh weakness..
I would really like to drop a few pounds... I've been trying to find someone to walk with in my new neighborhood but no luck so far...
and I agree that you don't look 35.. Just enjoy it sweety (age is just a number you don't look it and your as young as you feel tongue) ... huggzzzz and kiss kiss
I am feeling so overly anxious today, like I'm about to crawl out of my skin. I'm sure it's caused by a number of things. My impending doom...i mean birthday, my shitty sugar ladden diet, the extreme sleep deprivation, not being on the same page with someone about something that's important to me, but not so much to them. I just feel super restless, I...
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The Holistic approach is a good one, for sure - it just doesn't work for me any more. Maybe if I hadn't been puffing constantly for the last 18 years...