my best friend came to visit me from California! We are having the best time! Went to the club the first night then the beach yesterday, and today I'm taking her to Blue Springs then we are staying a night in St Petersburg and more clubbing! So much fun!

A pair of Gorgeous ladies! 

It has been FAR too long since i wrote my last blog! lets not let THAT happen again lol.....Anywho I'm kind of combining a few things in this blog since so much has happened!

I'm going to talk about the blog hw @missy @lyxzen and @rambo gave us!

Top 5 reasons I love suicide girls

And in that I'm going to tread on the absolutely
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Ug missing you all something fierce after reading this! Such a great time with so many beautiful babes! Can't wait for your sets gorgeous 💚😍
I miss all of you so much 😭💖

damn it i missed it :[
:( @fresa next time hun!


So I would really love to get back to doing the blog homework weekly... would you all rather me just write them out in a blog? Or do weekly videos? Both, or any other cool idea you can think of? I want to know what you all want to see, or even want to see more of. Tell me awesome people!!

Also what are your
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I rarely see vlogs here, it would be something different. And it's easier to show things (products, games, clothes, you name it). Regarding your set thing, I hadn't have the chance to see it. But you should keep it in. Removing it from the site is okay (sad anyway, shame on you XD) but for your personal use it's nice to see how you improve over time. I still have some of my very old drawings and haven't deleted them. Just to look back how I've changed, this motivates me. And I guess with modelling this would motivate you as well. - I guess you get me ^^
Very true,  it's always nice to see progress.  Thank you,  and yes I think more vlogs  would be fun!  @bloodywing

This hw topic hits home for me, because its such a relevant story to how my life is the way it is now. Its a little long, but its my favorite love story, because its MY love story

So thank you @rambo @missy @lyxzen for the awesome idea for a blog!

So it starts out with me as a young (i think about 15) girl....
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@pantheera aww thanks hun! @millerman325 @carlostang13    I hope it does inspire people not to give up on their true love. Sometimes it takes time to figure everything out. but i believe everything happens for a reason, and if you stop looking your love will find you! My story took me 10 years to get my true love, keep that in mind. Sometimes its worth it to wait.but you know what, that juice is always worth the squeeze ;)
Oh my...wow! What a story! This is truly amazing. You found the one person you should be with on this planet. It's why all the other relationships didn't work out. 

So I saw this photo today and it really hit me emotionally. As most people who actually know me know, I moved from my small town that I grew up in my whole life, and started a new adventure across the country. It's been rough. Not to say I don't like it, I have a cute little house and my man, and animals. But all
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In this situation my dear, you are your own motivation. For me it starts with exercising. That gives me energy to get motivated to move my ass! Once u start moving the rest is up to you. 
In these kinds of situations what you need to do is hangout with me sometime :) it won't really help out but it would be awesome to meet you 

So @Rambo @Missy @lyxzen asked what our new year's resolution is this year...

And you know what, I usually do think about what I want to chhnge, but this year I'm going for something a little different.

I've never been a huge resolution person cause I think you should change the things you don't like all the time not just for a new year. But
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