so there is this man. he's a simple kind of man. He makes me smile, and simply hearing his voice seems to just put me in a better mood. I haven't quite figured it out yet, but for the first time...in a very long time, i don't even care. I'm just going to run with it. I can be myself and talk about nothing and...
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theres too many bros here that just turned me off to their music unfortunately...
so today pretty much sucked. it was like any other day the past few months. Since i got home from the road, nothing has really gone my way. I am 2G in debt with my former friend, roomate AND landlord (note: its all the same person)and am facing potential legal action. Work has been pretty much non-existent since i got home as a result of...
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I'm back!! And I miss you!!
back from NYC. showcase went great! drunk as hell now from the company halloween party. its bedtime for bonzo. true story.
hey sorry i didnt get back to ya but if ya seein the news buffalo has been totaly fucked from the last storm we had so i havnt had a computer for a few weeks any ways iam doin well its nice to here from ya what have you been up to how are things
Hello to you again smile
If We Had Sex....GAME. don\'t be scared. you never know who really wants to do you! (Reply so only I see it and Repost so others can fill it out).

1. Would you be in control?

2. Would you let me pull your hair?

3. Would you whisper in my ear?

4. Would you talk dirty to me?

5. Would you kiss me with a...
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Yeah! Back for good this time? smile
kiss check your inbox for the resultswink