Happy Valentine's day to all my sexy bitches!! miao!!
yes indeed i am XD and aww, hahaha, way to make me blush :3
San Diego and Orange county til Tuesday. Holler at me.
sounds like fun.. smile
It's been a snowocalypse! And I def need more than a snuggie...I'm thinkin maybe a dead Tauntaun to climb into? XD See, Star Wars solves all problems!
effing insomnia!!!
that works for me! ;] i love a girl with a great bum, its good to know people feel that way about me...heheh
i don't think i've heard that one before, but i can imagine
what it means XD and thank you, i'll do my very best...i need a snuggie, heheheh

I don't even..... I just ...........
Thank you for that. Haha
I am absolutely too lazy to get laid. There was a hot SG type in my bar tonight, which never happens, and she was drumming up drama by showing interest in me and another dude. I simply don't have it in me to "compete" til closing time to get the girl so I punched out. I am too lazy to get laid and I am...
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Yeah screw that hey, sounds like a bit of a biatch anyway
I told the girl dancing on the platform in the club tonight "trust me, you really wanna come down here and dance with me", and sincerely believed it.
I'm starting to think that maybe, just maybe, I'm not as great a 'catch' as my mom says I am............;-)
One thing we all need to remember when arguing things like politics or religion or international affairs is that, with few exceptions, we don't know what we're talking about. And the primary reason we don't know what we're talking about is because we simply don't have all the information. Unless you're brilliant and you've dedicated your life's work to the study of politics or international...
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Couldn't have said it any better!
I had a dream the other night that I was attacked by a llama. No shit.
I survived the gauntlet. I endured airpline rides across the country, germ-y, sick nieces and nephews crawling all over me, sick relatives, cold and snow, another airplane ride across the country only to get back home and what? Get sick! :-(
Between us though, this sore throat o' mine sounds sexy as hell!! biggrin