These past couple of days has kept me in hiding due to a gnarly cold sore!! SHITTY!!! I've been poppin' the lysine like candy 1 more day............1 more day I'll wake up and it'll be gone!!!
I think I saw you in Safeway the other day....
"Well, I woke up Sunday morning with no way to hold my head that didn't hurt.

And the beer I had for breakfast wasn't bad,

So I had one more for dessert.

Then I fumbled in my closet through my clothes and found my cleanest dirty shirt.

Then I washed my face and combed my hair and stumbled down the stairs to meet the day."...
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If I could only get paid for procrastonating.......I'd be FUCKIN' RICH!!!!
I never liked watching her leave. But I always loved seeing her rush to put on her clothes in morning. Freshly out of the shower squirming around to get ready for work. As I'd lay there pretending to be to tired to move peeking at her and checkin' out her bum as it wiggled to get into her undies. She'd kiss me good bye and...
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aww...such sweet memories to reflect on
thank you for making me smile.
fond memories indeed.
Sounds like the ol' band may be up and running. Might be playing a show on Friday Sep. 17 at Ash Street. I think I find out at the end of the week.....
wish i was still in portland! i'd come scream like a little groupie for you biggrin you're the fucking hotness when you're on stage...and you god damn know it.
Went to a good friends wedding yesterday. The bride looked beautiful and the groom (my friend) looked dashingly cute in his Oversized suite and chuck taylor's. He's a very wide but short man and his suite didn't fit right. lol His kids were cute. His oldest at 3 yrs old looks exactly like him and was wearing chuck's and black dickies that were too long...
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chuck taylors, dickies... so cute.
Well I just got off work and Cash is on his way home. All is well and I've been told he's as spastic and energetic as ever!!!
Isn't Rainier close to Longview? If so we're kind of neighbors. Glad your puppy is home and healthy smile
good smile i'm glad to hear he's doin better.
Well it's thrusday and 400 dollars later. Cash is starting to feel better. But is still puking so he still has to go back and forth to the doctor twice a day and get injections. He didn't puke for the last 12 hours so we are hoping he'll get a test trial with water today. Ivy took him to the doctor this morning and when...
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Poor thing... hope he gets all better soon smile
Oh, yay. Dogs are so fucking great.
This weekend has been shitty!!! Found out my puppy (Cash) has parvo. I spent most of yesterday laying with him trying to comfort him. We found a 24 hour vet today and were able to get him in. We decided to do an in home care treatment. Meaning we take him to the vet twice a day (160 miles driving a day) for rehidration and...
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awwwwww frown frown frown poor little boy. give him kisses for me. you're a good daddy to him...it's sad there's a price on life...but it's good that you're think he's worth more than the money you can't afford to spend on him. let me know if i can do anything to help.
If I had extra money I would send it to you.. but I'm a poor hairdresser.

Get a loan biggrin
Puppies are worth it.

Goodluck with everything smile
Met a girl today who was from out of town and was a big fan of my band. It was really cute she was stuttering and getting all excited. She asked to shake my hand 2 times. She mentioned how her friends are just going to die when they found out that she met me. It made feel a lil akward but it was very...
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Talked with a good friend today. Oh how do I miss her!! She always seems to bring me back to a certain place in my heart where I feel all warm and giddy.........