hmm so an interesting weekend. ended up going out with the crazy girl that was the cause of much troubles in the past, maybe not a good idea, but we went to a kick ass wine bar and drank some really good wine and had a blast, its nice to be able to drink good wine with someone who knows more than i do and...
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i have a suspicion that my office at work may explode. This suspicion is brought about by the random beeping that comes from behind the desk, eeek
Random beeping, I hate that shit. It's never good, usually bad and always annoying!

For realz, "Don't" has to be made, it just has to. Also, "Hobo with a shot gun"? pure genius. It's kinda sad when satirical faux-trailers from good writers/directors look a billion times better than 99.9% of movies that are actually beening made.
Woo frikin hoo! finally got my Italian lessons on cd, one step closer. soon i'll be wooing all the ladies in italian that way when it all goes horribly wrong i can say its cause i'm a damned foreigner. I got my lightroom disc too, and i was so excited by all this loading software etc. that i damn near erased all the applications on...
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Thank you for coming out last night! Hope you had fun, i know i did smile
got to go snowboarding today, yippie! snowed a foot on the local mountains so the roomie and i went up road hard for 4 hours then came home and i went to work for the rest of the night.... not so yippie
the sky is gray might heart is hollow i feel like i'm getting sick dont think i got a job that i interviewed twice for...sucks frown
so over the last 2 weeks i've run into 6 girls that i went to elementary school with that i havn't seen spoken to or heard about in 12 years. weird. is this the universe telling me to run away to either italy or the south pacific? not that these are bad people they're all quite nice actually. its just weird and considering how big...
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LOL That shoot wasn't for SG, but thanks smile
300 was frikin awesome!!! tongue biggrin
ugh ugh ugh i went to my tax person today and its not a good sign when she starts apologizing profusely to me. needless to say the government is taking a big chunk of my hard earned dollars, THOSE BASTARDS!! i wouldn't mind if they were using it for good not evil, oh well i guess these things happen. and of course as usual its...
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oh no! that's horrible! But keep your chin up...hopefully things will turn out better for you!

thanks for the great comment on my set! xo
so a show that i worked on aired last weekend and actually got reviewed by the La Times and Entertainment Weekly , EW gave it an A-, woo hoo and i actually have credits on it too. no more of this working on projects with no credits for me! although in the reviews they didnt mention any thing about the work that i did on...
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WOOO FRIKIN HOOO, found 60 bucks laying in the street after i left work last night and tonight my fortune cookie told me that i will be coming into a fortune soon. does that mean the cookie or i'm gonna hit it big in the lottery? or even better, find me a sugar momma biggrin