biggrin Spring Break dawns. I guess it technically started two days ago, but I didn't have school on Saturday, so what the hell difference does it make? Of course, to an antisocial geek like me there are upsides and downsides to this. Upside: no freakin' school. I'll be getting more sleep this week than I have since I was five. If that. Downside: practically everything that...
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Getting quieter and darker here... it gets so very dark in the summer when the heat kills the clouds and opens up the sky to let the night in. I can't believe it was 85 today.... this summer is going to be a good one. Taking bets on when it hits 100.... I say before May 1st.
Spring Break dawns, I guess. While all y'all...
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And.... *drumroll* the gloom hath lifted!
biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin
God it feels so good to just feel NORMAL again. I don't know what that week of hell was about, but I never ever want to feel that bad again. What a mess.

But the hot pianist around the corner continues to make me happy, and my beloved far away makes me happy, and the fact that I kick...
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The gloom continues. This is really fucking getting out of hand. I'm never depressed like this. I don't do depression. I get sad, then I get angry, then I get over it. I don't mope for days. And I definitely don't do it without a reason like I am now. Starting to piss me off. A lot. mad

So in an attempt to escape the grim...
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I'm really fuckin depressed too. I just feel like i'm all alone in the world.

I just want to be loved frown

I need to find me someone to oogle.
Staving off the melancholy of an unholy day with a severe infusuion of online geekiness. For all you sad sacks out there still languishing in the world of 56k, I submit the following as a gentle reminder of how you are viewed by we, the high-speed internet elite. Let us never speak of this.... this.... Dial-up again.

Oh, and update: my laptop has just lost the VERY LAST of its cute little rubber feet. This distresses me to a degree that I can't quite express in words. Only this little pouting circle will do. frown

I need Superglue. I know that gluing just the one little foot back on will only make my dear Lappy lopsided and tilty once again, but it's the principle of the thing. I mean, if you're a laptop and you've lost all your little rubber feet, you really haven't got a leg to stand on anymore, and I mean that in all possible senses! I, if I were Lola the Laptop, would feel most bereft without even one little rubber foot to call my own. So I shall find Superglue, and she, the Sovereign Mistress of Glory in Red, will tilt once more, as she used to do.
UGH. What a stupid day. Don't you hate those days that aren't ballsy enough just to go ahead and SUCK, and instead just plod along being stupid? I mean, if I'm going to have a bad day, I want to really have a full-fledged bad day. Not a half-assed stupid day.
Could be worse. Could be raining. Oh wait--it IS raining. In the desert no...
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embrace the rain...
fuck helping people, they never help you...
sloth, on a weekend, is goodness.

Oh hell, damn, and curses. So I'm just sitting at my beloved red laptop, whose name is Lola (because she is red and because then I can shout at her when she's not working, "RUN, Lola, RUN!" Hehehehee.... and now I have afflicted the world with my favorite geeky joke.) and just minding my own business, when she freezes, chokes, wheezes a few times and...
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True enough..... and now I have a real, actual mouse! You don't understand how exciting this is--I've been living with, and playing complicated RPGs with, the little deformed-marshmallow thingy in the middle of the keyboard for a year now. Having
BLAH death. As I was saying, having an actual mouse is (sadly) unspeakably joyful. I feel so.... POWERFUL..... love
Yay, another person from Tucson! I'm pleased. Given that the town has its flaws (nothing at all to do for the under-21, intermittent and unpleasant public transportation, a surplus of old people), but I wouldn't live anywhere else. I love the desert, I really do. I have a fascination for this climate and this environment that borders on the erotic. The desert is beautiful in...
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That's an awesome entry. Lots of perspectives i'd never think of in my own spare time. Scary desert!!!

Damn slave labor. I've never worked in a restaurant before. I think minimum wage here is 6.75$ but the cost of living is sooo fuckin high. I make 5$ an hour but i do get commission so it ends up being slightly higher wink

Can't complain.
my dog chews rocks surreal
Saw "Constantine" today. Surprisingly good. The special effects were great, and Keanu Reeves was uncharacteristically... well, demonstrative, where usually he looks and acts like he took an overdose of Botox from the waist up... and the waist down, now that I think of it.
Whoever was the woman who played Gabriel (and that's a casting decision I heartily applaud), she was both incredible and beautiful....
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hiiiiii!!! biggrin

I love one-word questions with one-word answers... of course because I talk too damn much the one word answer always turns into two- and three and five-hundred-word answers, and I just keep going and going and spiraling out of control eeek

I'll stop now. smile
So I've just gotten home from work and decided that blankets should be bigger. I don't want to hear any whining from all y'all in colder climes.... you should be used to it *scold*. I'm sitting here waiting for the 120 degree weather to roll in and I'm freezing.
You know how blankets are long one way and a little shorter the other way? I've...
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I'm the same as you. I hate watching TV because 1/4 of the show is comercials. So i like to watch them when they come on DVD and i can pause rewind etc.

I <3 DVDs.

Carnivale is soooooooooo good. You should watch the whole season. The one you described with the crop field was the first episode.

Since when do people in Arizona need blankets? Seeems kinda bizarre. But square blankets would be really nice. I hate when i am using a blanket and i get it all tangled up and then end up with the short side going the wrong way and then i gotta like totaly turn the thing 90 degrees. Its the biggest pain ever. EVER I SAY! err...

You are wise. I think you should patent the super square blanket. I'd buy one.
I'm having an inspiration... this might be a great idea or it might be a really horrible one: circular blankets. I'm trying to come up with a blanket that is the same length all the way around. But maybe it'd just be better to have a blanket the size of a parachute, then you'd never reach the edge of it.
And contrary to popular belief, it does indeed get cold here in the winter, though not what those of you in northerly climes would call cold.... we get upset when it's below fifty. That's cold to me. So right now it's about fifty-five or sixty degrees at night and I feel chilly. Go ahead, Chuckles. Laugh. Laugh at my thin blood, that's right. Who'll be laughing in the summer when it's 120 in the shade and I can take it and all y'all northern pale people are burning to extra crispy, huh? HUH?!

My cat tells me it's time to go to bed.... she must be right, I'm getting belligerant. confused