OK, I now know that I HAVE to make it in the music industry. I've gone through too much shit in life to not make it. Of all my luck I have ever experienced, I would say it is predominately bad. Therefore, I know that my good luck is just being stockpiled, if you will, for a big surprise in life.

I lost my job,...
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keep your chin up dude...your time will come...and it will be good. smile
Well, we fired our singer this week....after 2 of our biggest shows. Sure it's kinda dick to do it now, but it had to be done in the name of progress. He was our weakest link, and in this business you have to be the best of the best to make it anywhere. Thats what Prometheus is all about....striving to improve and better ourselves. We...
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good luck finding a new singer!!!!!
We are opening for Mushroomhead on Friday, Jan 16th. I'm so excited...this is the first national act that we have played with. Hopefully its only the beginning of whats to come!
Wow ! Awesome!! I'm going to go check out your band on the internet.
While we may be ninjas, we have a known weakness for coffee, and wailing on guitars. So say if a certain journal updater had seduced me with promises of coffee and a new guitar.

And that's my story.
Well, just got back from band practice...things are going quite well. Things are going to change with Prometheus, we are cutting some dead weight and streamlining ourselves to make a leaner, meaner, more professional Prometheus. We are really looking foreward to the things to come with this band. Anyone in KC or the surrounding area please come to our CD release party on January 17th...
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Well, I finally did it...I got an SG membership. For too long I stood on the outside looking in; NO LONGER!!! I must admit a tear came to my eye when I was able to go to every part of the site and explore the genious that is Suicide Girls. It is the greatest site ever, and I'm sure I will be a member for...
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