aw did you surf?
Well. Thank you whoever paid to have my account re-activated. Maybe its telling me I need to get back on here. As for me, I fractured my thumb about 2 weeks ago. I've been snowboarding for 12 years and I decided I would learn to ski for fun and was hit by a snowboarder riding out of control... How ironic huh?
I have never owned a car in my life, but have been racing dirt bikes and sport bikes for years. I remember being in a van a friend of mine owned to transport our bikes and about to yell at some ass on a motorcycle for cutting us off.

Some people add to the stereo types we all get pinned with.
Its been awhile since I've been on.. I don't even know when my membership is going to expire.. fun stuff. SG is getting ridicoulous with the amount of people they are suing though. I wish all of it would just stop. I would like to be an SG but I am not about to sign their contract.
So I had some photographer from NYC tell me I shoud go to NYC and be a model and not settle for shit haha. He told me i was too beautiful to have the shitty pictures I have representing me. What a bunch of bull. But being a paid model would be pretty damn nice. Maybe one day I'll follow his advice.
Happy Birthday Beautiful! love kiss
Happy Birthday doll!
So yeah. I've pretty much given up on being a SG. I'm taking all my photos off the site.
+1 to what Mwdsy says.
sg doesnt' treat their girls very well, that and you're one of thousands!!!! at this point. (you're also not paid very much) Continue modeling if that's what you want, and do so without the sg contract over your head.
So I am upset with SG right now. For one they never aprrove my sets and some of the ones I've seen on the site that have been approved aren't that great. Now I hear that SG is suing Apnea and Philip Warner for a contract disagreement?! Apnea is the reason I started looking at SG. She brought so much to this site when she...
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So I had the best sex of my life the other day. Its depressing though because he is in Florida.. and I'm back in NC. I spent so many days on the beach with this guy and I've always thought he was damn fine but I never knew that he thought the same about me. Hes so much fun too. man I would go to...
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Just looked through your boarding pics.

Is there no end to your talent?
I'm in Florida now! woot woot!
Just wanted to say I love your Hopeful sets.

I hope SG sees sense and makes you a Suicide Girl.

Also, extra credit for being a snowboarder and getting turned on by Keira Knightley!
So my brother and room mate got here last night at 1:30 am and then we built a fire outside and sat down and had a few beers. Some of my friends that I snowboard with came over then and we all went off roading and had a lot of fun. I haven't hung out with the boys in awhile and its really nice to...
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So I am moving to Naples, Florida in, oh lets see, about 8 days. Today my bro (flint) and room mate (josh) are driving up to stay here in NC for awhile and then help me move down there. I've been so bored today its not even funny. I downloaded some music and talked to this guy I really like and then I go to...
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