This is it. I'm leaving Korea. My next post will be from Perth!

She's gonna be waiting for me and I can't wait to see her. Wish me luck! love
So I'm kind of scared shitless to get to Australia on Sunday. Excited of course, but nervous as fuck because I haven't seen her in six months. *breathes*

I said goodbye to the lady that runs the Chinese restaurant that I love here. She was sad to see me go and gave me my lunch for free today. She's a nice lady and I will...
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Photos to come soon of the party last night on the helicopter pad. Pretty epic views of the city! After today I only have three days left. I'm finally letting myself get a little excited.

Things are mostly packed up, although I'm not quite sure what to do about the stuff that doesn't fit in my bag. I'm wondering if it will be cheaper to...
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We did tequila shots. It was awesome. And the had burritos, real Mexican burritos.

And the best part of all. REAL SALSA DANCING. Not just that stupid JCC salsa where it's a bunch of uncoordinated Jews stepping on each other's feet (don't get me wrong, I love my people, but they're not that good at dancing). We're talking, girl from...
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thanks korea. one last kick in the ass.


amended: the bank is only returning 70% of my money because i reported it "late." apparently in korea if your card gets stolen on sunday and you go into the bank first thing monday morning it's too late for them to do anything about it. mother fuckers. i can't wait to be rid of the...
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OOOOO im in love with the owl! :love:
Very nice biggrin !!!!
Apparently tomorrow there is a huge party hosted by Mexicans at a bar in Itaewon. It promises to be amazing. A taste of home and a foreign language I can actually speak! P.S. did I mention they're going to have MEXICAN FOOOOOOOOD!!!

Last night outside the Family Mart we met a couple that lives in the same building as a bunch of my coworkers because...
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lmao....that pic is hilarious. smile
That is so awesome. That is something my friends and I would do. Love it.
Ten days left. Did I mention I bought a new 50mm lens? So stoked to use my camera again after a year of point and shoot.
If you're into music recording, this is some incredible shit:

Polyphonic Editing

Part of me is really excited by the idea, but part of me thinks it kills the beauty of virtuosity in performance. It's almost saying, "Go ahead and be lazy. We can always fix that in the studio," to a more extreme degree than has ever been seen. The geek in my is...
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