Oh, how I love the live music. Even worth the foot pain due to excessively high, skinny heels.
If you're in Calgary, and like cover bands, go see the bands:
Audio Erotica

Dear Musicians;
I love you. And thank you for making my sister's birthday awesome.
She's a girl with a problem
She's a girl with a problem
There ain't no cure

Well she works so hard and at the end of the day
Needs a little something extra to take it all away
Se love can conquer all and man I wish it were true
She's a girl with a problem
And there's nothing I can do
Nothing I can...
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Good God.
Please tell me you copied and pasted all that!
Should you say otherwise, I'll never believe you again when you say you don't have time to go for beers...
Regards from Halifax!
I am totally the dork queen. Today I saw a license plate reading EEW - 144; I giggled cuz it could also be read "Eew gross". Hahahaha. My god.
Also: I smoke too much.
And schoolwork is the bane of my existence.
And I have a new favorite(ish) song: Girl With A Problem by the Northern Pikes. So cute.
And now I'm off to type...
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let's go for beverages soon!
I vehemently dislike coming home from Hawaii. It is there my heart belongs. If I wasn't so fucking tired, maybe I'd put up some pictures. But that'll probably wait till after I shower; I've been in transit since yesterday at 9 pm Honolulu time--I can't be bothered to figure out how long ago that was, or even what day or time my body thinks...
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Did You Know?
I can legally import a crossbow into my country, but not a butterfly knife? (if I read the Customs website properly...). Hmmmm. But I don't want a crossbow (well, okay, kind of). I want a goddamn butterfly knife. Boo.

So I dropped one of my classes, cuz I'm not a fan of debilitatingly hard work and I have to be at the...
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Have a kick ass time in Hawaii. Which island? ive been to Honalulu and Maui and liked maui better
Hmmm. Nothing new here, people. Well, I am going back to school on Monday (boo) and to Hawaii on Wednesday (yay) and I have been receiving the packages containing internet-ordered lingerie. Which is nice. Aside from that...you know, the usual. Stuff n whatnot. You would think that I'd just refrain from wasting the space required to say "Nothing is happening" by simply waiting until something...
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sounds good, when you get back you can leave me a message and we will have a good time!

Hey, so, I need to stop spending my money on frivolous things like shoes from wal-mart (but they're so hot!) and purses and shirts I don't need. Especially when tuition is due and I'm going on vacation! Oh dear! I'm actually afraid that I will spend every penny I earn in Blame Betty...it's pretty much the greatest place EVER. But oh-so-expensive, as the good places...
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hey, thank you. i like that tattoo a lot too but it's hard to pick a favourite.

you know, d. made me go see lucky number slevin. i did not enjoy it past the middle. i thought the ending was too serious, but i really liked it up until the serious point.
So, as per usual, things are rarely as bad as they seem at first. But the damn cat won't stop knocking books of the shelf...

Hawaii in one week. God, how I love Hawaii. It's more than a beach and pineapple; it's really the type of place that tends to rest the soul. Maybe I'll return in better spirits. Not that my spirits are bad...
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dylan totally knows who you are. he said you are nice.
also, do you want to go for coffee or something?
Have you ever consistently made the same shitty decision, all the while knowing it was a shitty decision and going along with it anyways? Have you ever realized that really, all your problems stem from yourself and your poor ability to refrain from acting on destructive impulses? Have you ever gone to sleep every night knowing that you cause irreparable damage to the people you...
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He was wrong.
i know exactly what you mean. i was in one of those for far too long myself.