Ah the weekend. Yup just another day. Today I do plan on getting some massive gaming in today since all I did yesterday was clean and watch a movie I realized half way thru I already seen. Don't you hate that? Well alls good in Potter land, Harry turned 11. So my blog has come down to book updates, lol.

I'm having a bit of...
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So being behind the times and being one to not have read the Harry Potter books I started out on this magical journey, no pun intended. Now i'm one who knows really nothing about the series having never read any of the books or scene any of the movies. So far what I decided on is this......I don't like his aunt and uncle. Now being...
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O you have'nt been to Houston...land of every color ghetto jeans. I like the button fly myself.

So anywhos, my daughter and her bf flew to California. He is doing the 4 day Final Fantasy convention, while she hangs with her friend she went to college with in New Mexico. She said all he does is live and breath FF.
The moment she saw the group he was with, she kissd him and said bye. I need to journal what all has happened, but I sort of want to know about this Final Fantasy. I have never played it. Some people are die hard fans of Potter just like this convention thingy. I wonder if there is a Potter convention?
Ever try to balance reading several books at one time? I realized i'm doing that task now. I currently going between 4 books so does that mean I have reading a.d.d.? It's not like I forget what i'm reading either but I got a book for the "thinking" room, one for at work, one for when I get up in the morning, and one when...
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Cool cool! smile
Thanks. smile
So today I joined the millions of people out their that has read Harry Potter. Lot of people have told me it's a great book series so I figured when I have the time I would start reading the series. Today I picked up the first book and as I was reading it I wondered to myself is this series for kids, young adults, adults...
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Everyday someone somewhere is going to go to a store and buy a peice of clothing that represents a certain team from some city and with a name of someone they aren't related to. They'll sit in front of tvs or gather in bars to watch hours of people playing games for money. These people cheer for these "stars" they are watching and it is...
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I love Halloween, by far the greatest holiday. When else do we get a month were shit like skeletons, graveyards, and shit like that is socially acceptable? Haunted houses are everywhere and horror films are on tv most of the time. With all this great shit to look foward to you know what pisses me off? Fucking people that put dumb shit like inflatable snow...
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Oh man, I agree... I love Halloween! Hopefully I'll be off to Salem with my friend from NY. Well, thanks for the congrats and have a great weekend