Ok, Sorry about my absence. This week has been a living hell. I've been in class. teaching class, attending lectures, or participating in meetings this entire week..... I already quit World of Warcraft in order to have more time, and now I'm cutting down on SG time... My virtual life is even more non-existant (although I guess my real life is more exciting... sort of.......
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ahaha canceled wow?! nooo1!!! lol jk i canceled that shit forever ago
Hmmm....I own no knee socks. shocked smile
I'm really exciting because I'm getting my second sleeve designed as we speak! I'm leaving it mostly up to my beloved tattoo artist, Greg Foster @ Gothic Body, Milwaukee. I'm very excited to see what he comes up with! I'm going to take this one alot slower than my Mononoke sleeve, partially for financial reasons, and partially because I really want to savor it!
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and i agree with everything you said, and i dont think that i nessiscarly doesnt care about black people, i think he doesnt care about poor people, and thats black people, and he may for all i know hate black people, but i dont think its an issue because if he were to acctually show that he would be done for, but yeah he is retarded
First day of school today...
First I taught a class and it was scary and I drank way too much caffiene. Then I went to class (where I'm a student) and acted like a moron because I had too much caffiene. Caffiene is my downfall.

I just read this
thread in Supernatural, and jaggy's post seriously freaked me out. I am very skeptical of supernatural...
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Yay! Finally a pic of you. biggrin
shocked after i wrote it, it creeped me out too. and before that i had like two espressos around dinner time. maybe it was real, maybe it was all in my mind.

i see cute doggy in your last journal. i have a jack russell, speaking of demons and stuff, she's acts like she's possessed most of the time.

Today is officially stupid day.
I have been so scatterbrained today, I've made one stupid mistake after another... so I'm just not going to do anything for the rest of the day.
Someday, when I am not a huge chicken, and hopefully, a better photographer; I will upload some pictures of myself.
you should you chicken face! lol, i always hated when people ahd journals and didnt put pictures of themselves, i have no idea who they are =(

the other day i was taking a shower and put face wash in my hair... then i almost brushed my teeth with soap... =D
lol i feel like i know you
lol toxic enough for you to stop? thats interesting i say u just be careful =P

yeah developing film was not the most fun thing i ever did, i might send them out because i forsee enjoying developing photos
LOl! IS your pup scared of vacumms? Mine is! biggrin
I am all registered for classes and school starts in about 3 weeks. I can't believe how excited I am to go back. I guess I need the mental stimulation, Warcraft just isn't cutting it these days.

My artwork has been all over the place lately. I'm hoping I'll get my act together within the next few weeks. I have a few great ideas a-brewing,...
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i;m studying the history of art and archaeology of asia and africa at the university of london. i love it. it is so stimulating. i like the environment, the lecturers and especially the material. its refreshing to get away from western painting and western ideas of aesthetics. studying 'others' (as well as contemporary diasporic art) involves a lot of history, philosophy and all kinds of things that aren't necessarily western. its a nice change and i learn new things everyday, and new ways of looking at the world. but most of all, my school is particularly condusive to exploration and questioning. like a big mass of the most curious people on the planet all shoved into the same little building. and at least 50% of the students in my classes are from asia or africa (literally, not like part of the diasporas) and hearing their ideas and world views are really interesting. so much diversity. so much to learn. smile

do you study the fine arts? what type of art is your favorite to make?

Last semester I took a class on "Art in the age of Globalization" where I really ended up researching the politics of museum display and the myth of the "other" in Western thought and history. Extremely interesting.

this is exactly what i'm interested in at the moment! i would love to hear more about what you think or maybe even read any essays you might have done. smile

Ok we're down to one car, which makes me into a housewife. Well, not literally, because I can still work on artwork at home, but I definitely feel a little cut off.

I think the world would be a better place if everybody just calmed down, and decided not to get upset over stupid little things. It seems like everybody is a type A personality...
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awesome. thanks again for the info. its much appreciated. biggrin
we gross, a stalker?! i had one for a few months when i was 16. i was a waitress and he would alwasy be at the restaurant waiting for my shift to start and wouldn't let anyone else serve him. then he'd bring in maps and things and ask me how he could locate my house. a serious weirdo, and obviously not skilled at the stalking. you don't tell people that you want to know where their house is!
Ok I fucking hate the whole gallery system. It's so pretentious and it's just a means to whore out artwork to wealthy patrons who collect work as a status symbol not with regard to work itself. Grrrrrr.... I need to operate outside the system. But even if I reject the system I am still responding to it and thus reinforcing the system. ok end mini-rant....
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Ouch. Sorry to hear about the money woes.
I went to walk Sasha outside a few minutes ago and it had gotten so much cooler out. Yay! biggrin
thanks soooo much for the suggestions. I'll definitely check them out. that profile pic was how i felt yesterday after eating my body weight in chocolate.
Uh yeah.. new journal entry...
My life is pretty boring, so I'm going to make some stuff up:
Yesterday I had a secret conference with the CIA where they wanted me to be a secret agent/ninja. Of course I agreed, because I only use my ninja assassin powers for good. Little did I know that they wanted me to fight ZOMBIES!!! Luckily, my ninja specialization...
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yeah, it was definately my most painful one. i actually cried during it. blush

although the one on my arm isn't finished, the inside part is turning out to be much more painful than i expected.

so you like donnie darko too? i had nightmares about bunnies for weeks. i'm silly like that though. it was a good flick too.

greetings from italy
I'm taking Karate next semester. I'm very excited. I hope I don't totally suck.
I've pretty much stopped eating meat. I feel much healthier, although that's probably due to generally being aware of what I'm eating, and eating healthier. No more cupcakes smile I don't know if I'm going to stick to this plan, but I'm liking it so far. It's been about a month.
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It is a load of responsibilty. Just having my pup Sasha is a hand full. You are light years ahead of me though. You have are married. I guess I am not really grown up at all. smile

[Edited on Jul 07, 2005 11:02AM]