Worst day ever! frown

Now I need a cold beer and wild night. ARRR!!!
Yesterday was my first day of work after the holidays.
I fully forgot how lucky I am with my job in the holidays. It's amazing how much "my children" mean to me. It's so much fun to work with them. Today we're going to create a calender with drawings, pictures, and birthdays (very important!!!) of the children.
I have a really bad hangover.
I'm going to have a shower and hope I'll feel better afterwards.
Do you have agood advice? I already drank coffee, juice and a lot of water. Oh and I had some scrambled eggs...
B complex vitamin works wonders!
I'll give it a shot. Thank you, Akuma!
Hey fans and friends,
how are you today? I'm enjoying my last free days... On monday school starts again.
I just bought a XBOX. It's my first gaming concole. I've never been really into video games, but over the years the need grew, so today I finally gave in and bought a XBOX 360...
I only have two games, because my gaming career has just...
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Happy new year!
Hey Everyone,
I hope you had a good start in the new year. I had a perfect start. Me and some of my closest friends rented a cabin without electricity on an island without other people. It was quiet, but nonetheless great. 14 people, a lot of beer, wine, and the finest food in front of a fire place.
Sounds like the...
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too much party... smile

happy new yearr
yay happy 2011!!!!
I'm so excited... It's almost christmas!!! Yeah!
Tomorrow is my last day of work this year. After it I will drive to my parents for chrsitmas and spend it with my family and closest friends.

I hope you all will enjoy christmas and have a wonderful holiday!

Merry Christmas, Ladies and Gents!!!
hope you have a rad one!
Bad Hangover

Yesterday we were at a game of the Hamburg Freezers (Icehockey) and they won. The rest is history and mystery to me...
Has anyone seen my dignity? I think I lost it at some point yesterday.
Christmas Horror II

All schools are closed, because of the weather. So I have a day off and I'll give the christmas shopping a second try. Shopping is my least favourite thing to do. I don't know why, but I just can't stand it. I am always stressed as fuck and forget what I wanted to buy. I am so not into shopping...

What presents...
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Could be worse but could be better but that's ok :-) It's maybe not the most helpful advice because it isn't an actual 'thing' but you should get your mother something that is a treat just for her because if she's anything like my mother then she'll work hard all the time. Hope you're well :-)
I just watched the finale of season 5. I don't know what I think of it. It's too early. The impression has to settle...
What do you think?
What's your favourite season and why?
My favourite season is definitely no. 4.
Why I'll explain after some answers from you... wink
I hate shopping so much...
but I gave it a try. Some presents I only get in the offline world.
Now I'm stressed as fuck, can call myself a misanthrope without having any regrets and still have no presents.
Hell yeah, great day!
I am the weird-looking new guy.
I am so glad I joined SG.
yay welcome to SG! biggrinbiggrinbiggrin