if every material thing we create is made from something of the earth, then isn't literally everything just dirt waiting to go back?
do you ever stop the racket in your head and just revel in being?
No, if I ever stopped the racket in my head, the ball would hit the floor and roll under something. It's a real bitch to get it going again too. biggrin
me <looking around>: wha... what's going on? sunshine? and it's warm enough i don't need a parka! or socks, even! <realization sets in> i know what this is! i'd nearly forgotten it exists! but... it's finally spring!

ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ wha huh?? Can I come outta the cave now??
LOL...I know what u mean! Finally some warmer temps...then today hit in the 50s again...up down up down...make up your mind! I am so waiting for the weather to brighten and break into nice days...as in day after day...

Oh yeah...someone remind Mr Bush again what global warming means...I think the tard doesn't quite get the jest of life!

ok confession time.

yes, that IS me dancing around the dark side of the ADT building around 2am.
i have this full page ad i ripped out of someone's magazine i found laying around at work - a picture of matthew mcconaughey in jeans and an open shirt, with a cowboy hat, and sitting on a pony rail fence.

it never fails to remind me of the song line "save a horse, ride a cowboy".

hot damn the world could use a few...
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once again, i am bored and restless, and i should be sleeping. i have to drive myself an hour and a half away today, without company. mrrf. really, i'm not looking forward to this particular adventure.

send me love, vitamins, and caffeine!

you always have my love kiss i can't really do much about the other two confused
we've upgraded from mouse to mice.
i should never be allowed in a pet store after my bedtime. especially the one with the incredibly adorable, healthy mice for $1.79.
seriously, though, i didn't think i would ever see a long-haired mouse. egad this little bugger is cute! blush
We demand pictures! biggrin
spring makes me want to clean like mad. i mean go through boxes of stuff i haven't seen in an age and throw shit out kind of clean like mad.

that said, my kitchen is considerably cleaner than when i got home this morning, including the insides of the fridge and cabinets. i am all about the rewards of manual labor.

can i get an...
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amen to that. now if you could only convince my mom to do the same.

I only get the urge to clean like mad once or twice a year, and it happens at random times. There is no particular event that triggers it for me, except maybe getting a major new purchase, like buying a new TV or something.
I am going to pay down my Visa... Buy a difital recorder for interviews and tickets to V-fest