I love hearing the police copters circling my neighborhood at night, I really do. It's an oddly peaceful sound. Especially when you are curled up in bed and they are a few blocks away. The sound getting louder and then softer as they get closer and then farther away over and over again, the noise rising and falling like waves crashing in the distance.

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you're exactly right about what you posted in my journal.

before i moved out I had this idea in my head of what it would be like to have my own place in the city. it was like waking up on a rainy day and hearing the cars zip through the water. the place was bare and the sheets were dirty and strung about and there was one window in the room.

then one day it was deja-vu and i realized i was happy. in my shabby place on a rainy day. wink

then i shot the moody set.
It should really be an impossible colour, a colour not of this world. Indigo evokes that for me, perhaps because Newton added it to the named spectrum as a magical seventh colour. Also, the original indigo dye was toxic (a mutagen).
I am sooooo smooth.

I went through 10 cigerettes and four cups of coffee over 2 hours last night before finally figuring out how to approach this cute girl who kept staring at me at this cofee place last night.

And then she left before I could get her number.

In short: me=ladykillah
beautiful lyrics from a beautiful song smile

You moved from NJ to CA too?

weird transition ain't it?

Thank you for the kind words, they are very appreciated
I don't miss the snow thats for god damn sure.
So what is getting older all about anyway?

I used to think it's about getting wiser and understanding the world better. But if that's it then I'm not doing so well at it. Am I wiser now then when I was in my early twenties? I don't think so. I have more knowledge sure, but how much of it is just esoteric crap? Does it...
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Wisdom = learning enough from your mistakes to not repeat them. wink

As for getting to know yourself and your place in the world... you and the world around you are constantly changing. There is no way you can ever truly "know" yourself or your place, in my opinion. I think being aware of and open to change and recognizing change within yourself is part of wisdom...

Bah.. okay, enough psuedophilosophy for now.

Ok, so this is an annoying fucked up situation and I am going to rant about it, but briefly I promise.

So the crux of it is that my ex-girlfriend (whom I have a ton of mutual friends with) is annoyed because she feels like she can't bring her new boyfriend out to social situations with our mutual friends because if she is bringing him...
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falling off the wagon is all too easy to do. i hate it. but hopefully some day people like us can learn to cope with our ADD and when that day comes i'm going to....do everything that i planned to do that day...lol shocked
oh shit that's so crazy. all this time i've been zooming with apple+- and i never stumbled on it.

what other crazy shit do you know?
hello to you too. so how often do you do yoga?
Odd dream I had last night.

I was standing on my fire escape, smoking. It was very late at night it seemed and everything was still. I could see myself, my view seemed to be a bit below head level, a few feet back from myself, but very wide angle, looking down past myself at the city spread out below me. I stood there for...
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its much easier when you dont have to participate...

That's the most awesome dream I've ever heard in my life. BTW, check it.
OK. So tough desicions were made, crappy talks had. Distance acheived. Now on with the rest of my life.

So yeah, about that...

I really need to get my ass in gear and get writing. Bad screenplays don't just write themselves! However I seem to accomplish very little writing at home, it feels like I spend all my time there waiting for something to happen....
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I'm glad you're in a good mood. Even though I don't know you. Yes, bad screen plays don't just write themselves. For some reason, I have this odd faith in you. Odd... since I've never met you before in my life. But there is something about your personality that shines through in the few entries I've read. Hey- you just have to get yourself motivated. I'd love to read some stuff you've written- i mean, screenplays and the like. -- I bet you waste lots of time on this site-- right? -- take half of that time and go get something down on paper. And then let me know how it feels to be motivated-- maybe I'll get inspired to use my brain as well.
Why did she have to come back? Why couldn't she have just stayed away? Why did she have to come with her light and her beauty? Why can't she just leave me alone? Why does this still hurt so much? It has been so long.
I feel like I am making progress these days. Progress in my life, progress in things I am trying to accomplish, progress in fighting to make my life my own. It's been a long year, but I feel like I have come out a stronger, better person. I feel like maybe I will accomplish something with my life after all. Or at least I am...
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"Man uses words only to conceal his thoughts, and uses thoughts only to justify to himself the wrongs he has done."

-Voltaire (the one without tattoos)
Sometimes I just want to scream out my rage and frustration over what's happened to me. I want to know how I ended up with this pathetic waste of a life. I want to know how I became this sad mess, hunting for little bits of affection, chasing after pieces of meaning, trying to make sense of what has happened and how I got here....
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I hear you, and I think I pretty much am you apparently.

Keep on keeping on ... it'll get better.

Feeling a little down tonight, not sure why...

So have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and not really recognized yourself?

I stared at myself in the mirror for literally ten minutes last night trying for some sort of recognition. Got nothing really. I mean, I look familiar and all, but not really like me. Maybe like an older cousin of me. But...
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saw your post on the ent industry board and thought I'd see who wrote that. your journal post here was a nice surprise. a lot of people try so hard to sound profound and poetic. you've accomplished both without any obvious effort. you sound like Douglas Coupland.
The mirror is my enemy...

Hey, I saw your Polaroid shots in the Photography group... very cool. I was wondering if you were using a Polaroid back attached to a Holga (The Holgaroid?)

[Edited on Sep 24, 2003]