So last week I broke up with my girlfriend, finally got a job, and went to Burning Man.

You should see what i have planned for this week!
big week u seemed to have!

hey, thanks for the help with pic posting, brudda! much appreciated. biggrin
Jesus, some times you don't realize how you far south your thoughts have wandered until you catch yourself on one of them and discover just how broken you are.
ha yea i was wondering around. we had a book signing there the day before and i had left something there by accident.
next time you see me i think you shoud say hi smile
So who needs a Post Sup or Technical Director?

C'mon, I know you are out there!
I don't even know what you would need one of those FOR! lol but hello anyway smile
that sux that you got laid off! best of luck! smile
Blah, just blah.

What do you do when you are seeing someone, can find no fault with them, but just aren't sure about the whole thing anyway?

I don't want to be wishy washy about the whole thing, I'm just a bit unsure of it.
Ok, so I think I've basically just been coasting since loosing my job a few weeks ago.

Time to get to work.

what yah been up to?

i'm glad to hear you've been keeping yourself busy, with a girl, no less! love i'm off to host my sister-in-law's graduation party. i need to run and grab some more luau themed decoration... so i'll catch you later. have a great weekend!
So I went over to my ex-girlfriends today to help her out with some computer stuff and it was wierd. Like creepy wierd.

I think it's because when we broke up we had been living toghether for four years and had a lot of stuff we had bought toghether, most of which she took. Which was fine. At the time she was broke and I...
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howsit goin? smile
I'm going alright. Just trying to get out of the office early so I can paint the house exterior a little more. I get like 3 sq ft done a day.. I'm so bad.. uggh! Hopefully I'll be atleast 1/2 done with the house by this weekend.

Have you tried finding a job on craigslist? I posted an ad for a receptionist position this morning and by lunchtime I rec'd about 20 responses. I was suprised I got that many... and I have 29 more days til my ad expires, too. blackeyed

Got any plans for this long weekend?
Hey kids.

So I have been laid off, again. Second times the charm I guess. So I am sort of looking for work. I am trying for some freelance tech work to support myself while at the same time I am going to try and find photo assisting work.

Basically I am trying to take this as some sort of sign that I should finally...
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you're fun. will you be my friend? blush
i have a pet snake, i worked with tropical animals and i love looking for snakes in the wild so a snake hook is a pretty handy item for me to have.

and a veen is like a big wetland, sort of like the florida glades.
So what I am wondering is this:

Is an attempt at artistic expression still worth something if what you produce is crap? Are you better just for having tried, or if the result is no good does that invalidate the whole attempt? I mean what good does it do for me to paint if the result has no value? What is the point of writing...
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it depends on the result you're going for...

If you focus on the process of creation. from the actual sitting down to write at the comp or gathering of the paint and brushes and focusing your thoughts and allowing them to pour out of you onto the screen or onto the canvas then you have a piece of yourself there before when you have finished. To judge that as "good" or "bad" nullifies that it's a part of you, expressed. You've just judged yourself, which will inhibit true expression.

If you focus on the actual piece and that it must look or be a certain way, you've forced yourself into a mold, and anything short of perfection won't fit the mold. This of course means you're just not good enough and should stop attempting at this exact moment because you'll never fit a mold. (none of us will, bytheway. even if we pretend we're cheese left in the fridge too long and grow green fuzzy coats.)

my recomendation, pick up a book entitled writing down the bones by natalie goldberg. Read it, all of it. It's yummy food.
Also, start letting you be you. Realize where you are inhibiting your natural tendancies to be yourself and becoming that which someone else wants you to be. Let that awareness flow into your expression.


ps. I'm a horrible "artist" for the sake of art, but that doesn't stop me from doing that which I enjoy. Those who call it crap don't get to see much of it.

yay! the book is good stuff... Being overly critical and self indulgent stimotaniously are perfectly fine, if that's what you want. practice not labeling for a while, see what it does.
Ok, so it looks like i will not have accomplished any of my goals for the month. No new job, no new apartment, and the girl I am supposed to have been going out on a date with for the past month is once agian unavailable this week it seems. *sigh* I would think she was ditching me, but she seems so excited about the...
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OK, big changes time. I want to end this month or next with a new job, new apartment and at least a date.

Wish me luck in this turn of stupid blind optimism.
You are invited to join my new group, "Liberal Politics". Please spread the word. Thanks.

Sometimes the hours just ache, and the thought of my life streching out ahead of me feels like an unbearable burden. Sometimes I wake from my dreams of the past and I just want to weep.

Sometimes I laugh out loud from this feeling of joyous exuberance that bubbles up from deep inside me. I walk throught the day with a silly grin stuck...
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Having other people to share those feelings with seems to take the edge off for me. But even if it didn't, I'd rather not be numb.
OK, I admit it, I'm probably too old to be making out with 21 year olds at parties.

But dammit, pour a gallon of beer in me, drag me off the dance floor by my borrowed tie to a deck overlooking the Pacific and jump on top of me and I feel like I have a bit of an excuse.

I just wanted to explain...
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you're never too old to be making out with 21 year olds at parties. I plan on whoring myself out to all the 21 year old boys and girls when I'm 102. wink